Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Personal Prayer:Help me to be a prayer warrior to those who come to me and this blog in need of prayer. In Jesus Name I pray. AMEN.
Enter your name and your prayer requests in my comments and I will gladly join you in prayer to make your mountains move.

Thank You for giving me this honor.
Dear Father, According to your Word, by your stripes we are healed. You tell us to step out in faith and expect miracles, ask it in Your Name and it shall be done. God, I and my fellow Bloggers are coming to your throne and asking you to intervene in these situations, be they healing or deliverance, or other situations in life, there are no limits to what You can do. We give you the glory. We ask this in Jesus' Name, AMEN.

Lisa Tanner Hill-- cancer --3rd round of chemo.--Father in Heaven, You are Omnipotent, or all powerful, omniscient, or all knowing and omnipresent. or everywhere.  Knowing this, I have the faith to know that You are also the ultimate physician.  You and You alone can heal this precious woman. from this awful disease that has invaded her body.  Lord according to your Promise,, by Your stripes she is healed.  If we abide in You and your Word abides in us we shall ask any thing and it shall be done.  I know You are a God of  Your word and cannot lie.  Therefore, In the powerful Name of Jesus, I am believing and asking for her healing.  Amen.

Debbie Jordan Ellis's Daughter Devin--Having back surgery in India.  Dear God in Heaven, you see this young lady over in this strange country in need of Your help.  She is having back surgery for a bulging disc.  Dear God, I am asking for your healing power to rain down upon her so that she might not need the surgery.  I know for a fact and have seen Your Healing Power at work.  I know that just as the centurion had faith, all You have to do is speak the Word and she will be healed.  If it is not your will to heal her with your Word, then I ask that you guide the hands of the surgeons whom You have chosen to do this delicate work.  Keep Devin in the palm of Your hand where she is safe from harm, and Lord, I ask that You give her a speedy recovery.  Father, please give Debbie the peace of mind and the strength that she needs while this trial is going on.  Help her to remember that You are in control and are watching over Devin as this surgery is going on.  I ask this in the Wonderful Name of Jesus,  Amen.

Allison Miller--Cancer results--Lord, You are wonderful.  You are amazing.  You are the ultimate physician.  I ask that you keep your hand on Allison.  Heal her body of this awful disease.  You alone have the power.  I praise you and give you all the glory which you and you alone deserve.  I pray that you will touch her body and that the results of her tests come back as a good report.  Let her be cancer free Lord.  I pray that You will allow her to be a living testimony of your healing power.  You are such an amazing God.  According to your Word, if we abide in You and your Words abide in us, anything we ask will be done unto us.  I stand out in faith knowing that all things are possible with you.  You take the impossible and make it the possible.  I praise you and give you glory.  I thank you in advance for your healing power to rain down all through her body as only You can.  Let the results come back as a good report and cause for celebration.  In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN.

Byron Norris--Hit by 18-wheeler--Father in Heaven, You are so wonderful and amazing.  You are the ultimate physician and healer.  Please hear my cry.  I come to You asking that you rain your healing power down upon Byron.  You see what happened.  Lord, he is in great need of your help.  According to Your Word, by your stripes we are healed.  I stand by this promise and ask you to do just that.  Touch his body and fill his body with your healing power.  Touch him and let him be a living testimony of Your Wonderful power and greatness.  I ask this In Jesus' Powerful Name, AMEN.

Sister Marlene Steele- Finances and will of God for her job.  Lord, you have seen how Sister Marlene is struggling.  I ask that you intervene in her situation.  Dear God I pray that you will place her in a job where she will not only do well financially, but where she can "bloom" and spread Your wonderful word.  This is a very big concern to her.  She wants to be able to bless people with your Words and knowledge.  Father, she is so sincere, and such a wonderful woman of God.  Please keep your hand upon her and leave a hand print in every aspect of her life.  I ask this in Jesus' Name,  AMEN

Debbie Miller - Auto-immune disease--Father in Heaven, I thank you for this day, and being who you are.  You alone the great physician.  You alone can heal all things, be they physical ailments, spiritual dryness, emotional stress, whatever our problems seem to be, YOU are greater.  I thank you God for your healing power.  You tell us in your words that if we abide in You and Your Word abides in us that we can ask ANYTHING in Your Name and it shall be done unto us.  I have read in your word where you tell us that our faith makes us whole, I am stepping out in faith according to your Word and calling upon You to heal this precious woman.  She is your creation and I know that You do not want to see any of Your children in pain.  I ask you to rain down your Healing Power upon her and heal her body.  Lord, I ask that you touch her as you touched the Lepers and not only heal her but give her complete restoration and make her whole.  Make her as she was before she contracted this disease.  Father she is your precious gift to this world and I ask that you touch her in a mighty way and remove the pain and disease from her body.  I thank you in advance for her healing.   In Jesus' Powerful Name  Amen.

Annelle - (Blue Cotton Memory's Mother-in-law) -  This precious lady is in desperate need of all the prayers she can get.  From what M.L. has said, her MIL is  still in ICU. She is in dire straits because  1/3 of the people who have this problem die because they don't know they're bleeding to death internally. She had burst a blood vessel in her esophagus. They also said she had HOCM (where athletes die of heart attacks) and it is hereditary - so the boys will be looked into shortly to make sure their hearts are athlete safe! She looked awfully fragile. Hasn't eaten real food since Friday. They tried her on food today and it didn't go well. Please continue praying for this sweet lady who has been through so much this last month.  Here is my continual prayer for Annelle.

Father in Heaven, you know what I am coming to you about.  This precious lady needs your healing power.  Father, You have stated so many promises in Your Word about healing Your children.  I don't know what Annelle's beliefs are or to what level her faith in You is, but I know that when the 4 friends let their lame friend down through the roof, Jesus told them that by their faith the man could get up and walk as well as his sins being forgiven.  You tell us that if we abide in You and Your words in us that we shall ask ANYTHING IN YOUR NAME and it will be done unto us.  You tell us "by Your stripes we are healed".  I am completely stepping out in faith KNOWING that You CANNOT lie, and that EVERYTHING You promise will come to pass.  I am standing in the gap for this precious lady expecting her healing from You, just as you tell us to do.  You tell us to EXPECT miracles from You, so I will wait patiently to see this one come to pass. Lord, I also ask You to keep your hand upon ML's family.  I know that she must be worried sick over the possibility of her sons inheriting this same problem as it is hereditary.  I ask that You watch over them, and intervene in this situation.  Just because scientists and doctors say certain things doesn't mean that YOU cannot change those statistics.  I believe that ML's sons are healthy and will continue to be healthy with no heart problems of any sort.  I know how strong ML's faith is and I am standing with her in this instance.  Give her comfort and peace as she continues to cast her cares and worries upon You, the One who has all the power and holds the World in His Hands. 

God in Heaven, I love you so much!  I give You ALL THE PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORY, and I thank You in advance for this healing.  In the Precious Powerful Name of Jesus I pray, AMEN. 

Melissa Shroyer needs our help and our faith. She is in the hospital, in critical condition. I was not told what is wrong with her, but I do know that God knows and is in control. She is a mother of two children.  Lord, I ask that you rain your healing power down on Melissa and touch her body.  Keep your hand upon her.  Let her be a living testamony of your wonderful power. According to your Word, by Your stripes SHE is healed.  Lord I also know that according to your Word, you tell us that "by our faith we are made whole".  Let her faith remain strong.  In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN

Thank You all in advance for all your prayers.

John Wirtz's sister--Health and Salvation-- Father, I ask that You touch this precious lady.  Heal her body in a miraculous way.  Let her be a living testamony to Your wonderful healing power.  Father, I also come to You because she is in need of Your salvation.  Dear Lord, touch her heart so that she may get a hunger for Your truth and love.  Open her eyes so that she will not be deceived.  In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN

Phyllis Polvado--Accident--head, throat and ears Father, You are such a wonderful and amazing God.  I am totally in awe when I think about all of the intricate workings of our bodies, and of the universe. This is why I call You the Ultimate Physician.  You are our creator, and therefore can heal anything that goes wrong with our physical being.  Lord, I ask that You touch Phyllis' head, throat and ears.  Lord, You see where she is in pain, so I ask that You touch her in a mighty way and let her feel Your healing power fall down upon her. Bathe her in Your healing love.  I ask this in Jesus' Powerful Name, AMEN

Marieva Thorson- stage 4 Ovarian Cancer--Niece of Thirza King. Dear Father, I know that you have seen how Thirza's family has had More than their fair share of heartaches, sickness and trouble.  While I am coming to You for Marieva's physical healing Father, I can't help but feel that there is something much more important at this point.  She is in dire need of Salvation.  I was ask this specifically, to pray for her healing but most important for her to develop a true relationship with You.  Her aunt is desperately worried about her salvation.  Lord, soften her heart and give her a hunger for You like she has never felt before.  I ask that you continue to protect them, specifically Marieva right now.  Father she is living with this cancer inside of her and is in desperate need of your healing power. 

According to Your Word, if we abide in You and Your words abide in us, anything we ask in Your name You will do unto us.  This is found in John 15:7.  Another one of Your promises is that "By Your stripes we were healed.  This promised was impressed to us in two different places in Your Word.  First in Is. 53:5, then again in 1 Peter 2:24.  When You repeat Yourself, I have no option of reasoning within myself than to believe that this is such an important point that You felt the need to impress this on us diligently.

Therefore, I step out in faith knowing that You are the Ultimate Physician, the Ultimate provider of our needs and that our needs will be met.  I thank you in advance Lord, for You know what is best for each and every one of us as Your are our father and we are Your children.  In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN.

Father, I just want to give you praise.  You are such a wonderful God and loving Father.  Thank you for helping BJ to feel better.  Lord, I don't know this precious lady, and I'm not sure what her ailment is, but Mary says even though the doctors say she is serious, she is feeling better.  She is aware of the seriousness of her condition and understamds why she is in the hospital which is more than she understood before.  Thank you again, and I give you all the praise and glory.  In Jesus' Name, AMEN.

Linda--Cysts on her eye--Our heavenly Father, According to Your Word, if we abide in You and Your Words abide in us, then we shall ask any thing and it will be done unto us.  I come boldly to Your throne, doing as You say.  Expecting  miracles, and stepping out in faith.  Lord there is no job too big or too small.  You healed the blind man's eyes with mud and spit.  You heal the lame just by telling them to get up and walk.  I come to You now, asking for your to Heal Linda's eye.  remove the cysts and restore her vision Father.  Let her be a living testamony of Your Wonderful and Omnipotent Healing Power and love.  In Jesus' Name, I pray, AMEN.

Joyce's Granddaughter, Ryan Marie - Dear Jesus, Thank you for opening the eyes of this young woman.  She is coming into her own, and realizes that she wants to change her faith.  Lord I ask that You continue to give her clarity, and to give her strength to discuss this openly with her dad.  She must turn to the faith that You have placed on her heart to be. Her family cannot give her salvation.  She cannot be saved just because she is of the same faith as the rest of her family.  If You have spoken to her heart to be Christian rather than Catholic, than that is the direction she needs to go.  Lord, I pray that You will continually speak to her heart so that she will know for sure which direction she is to take and that Your Will will be done in her life.  I ask this in Jesus' Name, AMEN.  AZ 

Naomi -- Growth is growing back in her throat.  Dear Father in Heaven, I praise You.  You are our Creator, our Great Physician.  Lord, I ask that You remove the growth on her Pallate.  Dear Jesus, You can do All things.  I step out in faith believing that You are going to heal Naomi and make her whole again.  In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.  AZ

Joyce's Husband Joe--Has a problem with his throat and is unable to eat, causing him to lose weight.  Dear Father in heaven, I pray that you will touch Joe in a mighty way, as only you can.  Heal his throat and allow him to get the nourishment he needs to be healthy and whole again.  Dear God, You are our healer, the Great Physician.  You have told us to have faith in You alone, so I am stepping out in faith knowing that you have this under control.  You created this precious human being and You can heal Him.  You in Your infinite wisdom have the power to speak the healing word upon this gentleman.In Jesus' powerful name I pray, AMEN.  AZ

Joan (Hidden Shores)--Cancer-- Father, I praise You!  Not because of what You do, but because of WHO You are.  You alone are worthy of my praises.  You are the Great Physician, the healer of all healers.  No one knows our bodies like our Creator.  I come to you tonight to ask you to touch this precious lady.  She is going through so much with this cancer, not to say the least the radiation treatments.  God, I have heard many, many times that sometimes the treatment is worse than the disease at times, or so it seems.  I am asking for your healing power to rain down upon this lady and heal her body.  Dear Lord, You have told us in Your Word to Step out in Faith, to EXPECT Miracles, to believe in Your power ALONE.  I am doing just that.  I am standing on Your promise of healing because "By Your stripes we are healed".  I thank You  in advance for all of these precious requests answers and believing that You are going to heal, soften hearts and intervene in situations that only You can handle.  Thank you .  In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.  AZ

Mary's Nephew--Lord, I thank You for hearing our prayers and healing Mary's nephew of the flu.  I come to You though to continue to keep your hand upon him and help him gain back the weight he lost while being sick.  Thank You in advance, In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN.  AZ

Diana Mercer--Lord, I am not quite sure what infirmaties Diane has gone through, but she did mention surgery.  You know exactly what she had done and what her ailment is so I ask that you reach out and touch her with your healing hands.  Father, she said she is recovered to 95 percent, so I am asking you to continue her healing until she is not just healed, but MADE WHOLE.  I remember that there IS A DIFFERENCE.  You healed the Lepers, but the one who came back to worship and thank you, you MADE WHOLE again.  This is what I ask.  According to your word, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what yye will and it shall be done unto you.  You tell us to expect miracles, so I am doing exactly that.  I am stepping out in faith knowing that you promise this and it shall be done.  In Jesus' Name I pray, A

Nikki Rosen's niece Lori--Breast cancer which spread to liver and cardiovascular system.  Dear Father, You are such an amazing God. You are Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Prince of Peace and Everlasting Father.  You are our healer, and our provider.  According to Your Word, You tell us that If we abide in You and Your Words abide in us, then anything we ask in Your Name shall be done unto us.  Therefore, I ask that You rain Your healing power down upon Lori.  Lord she has a little one that needs to grow up with their mother and have her guidance.  Jesus, I stand on Your Word.  You tell us to step out in faith and expect miracles.  That is what I am doing.  You were scouraged and whipped for our healing.  I count the stripes on your body.  The last words from Your mouth were "It is finished".  Therefore Your work is done on this earth.  It is now up to us to believe it and accept it as completed.  I thank You in advance for her healing.  In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN. 

Jennifer Henderson- Blood clot in her Lung--Father in heaven,  I know  it has been a while since I posted any prayers on here, but I come to you now asking for your healing power.  Jennifer is in need of your wonderful healing power.  Touch her heart and reassure her that everything You say You will do definitely happens.  Lord, You are the Healer.  You were scouraged, and beaten for our healing.  By your stripes we are healed.  Help Jennifer to realize that Your Word speaks of our being healED in the past tense, meaning that it has already occurred.  We just have to accept it and believe.  Thank you in advance for her Complete healing O Lord.  In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

Annie McNelly is a Tennessee Teen who ran away from Teen Challenge in Pennsylvania Sunday. Father in Heaven, I thank your for allowing us to come boldly to your throne with our problems and our cares. Lord, You see the troubled minds of our teens today. You see all that is going on. We are just humans, so our involvement is greatly limited, but You are omnipotent, (all powerful,) omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (everywhere, all seeing). Therefore Father, I know that you can see Annie right this minute. You see where she is and what she is doing. Dear Lord, I ask that you keep your hand upon her. I ask that you place a hedge of protection around her and keep the evil influences of the devil, (the ruler of this world) from enticing her into something that will get between she and God, and she and her family. Lord, envelope her with Your love. Touch her heart and help her to realize that she needs to go back home.

Dear God, I pray that not "if" but "when" she comes home that she will have made new "smart" choices for her life. Dear God, I don't know what "Teen Challenges" happens to be, but I pray that if it is a juvenile facility or home for troubled teens that You will also place Your hand upon it. Help it to be a place of genuine care and love for these children. The teen years are hard because they want to be grown, yet they don't know how to be, so they act out. I pray that they will allow Your presence and guidance to "rule"

Father again, I am praying for precious Annie to arrive either there or home safe and sound, with a new perspective on life. Mainly a life given to You for safe keeping. In Jesus' Powerful Name I pray,

Sonja Benson - A multitude of Health problems - She suffers from severe pinched nerves in her back and is facing her 5th surgery within this next month..she says she moves at a snail's pace and it's hard for her to do anything... she faces screws being put in her back this time. The last two she had leads and a generator inserted up her spinal cord, but it hasn't helped. Then they located all these pinched nerves, and she is in constant pain.

Dear Father in Heaven
, You hear Sonja's cry. I know Father that it is Not in Your plan for us to be in this kind of pain, for You are the Great Physician. You are our healers. Dear God I ask that you reach down and place your hand upon Sonja. Heal her body, take away the pain.

Lord, You tell us over and over in Your Word to have faith. To STEP OUT IN FAITH knowing that You CANNOT lie, therefore by Your STRIPES SHE IS HEALED. According to your Word as I stand by and quote repeatedly, You tell us, If WE abide in You and Your Words abide in us, then anything we ask IN YOUR Name (In the Name of Jesus) it will be done unto us. I stand before you doing just that. You tell us to come to You with EXPECTATION that what we ask will take place. I come before you doing that.

Father, I know that there is no job to BIG for You to handle. As we look at our problems, we must look toward You, knowing that You can and WILL Heal this precious lady, I HAVE NO DOUBT. I give you all the Glory and Honor, and Thank You in advance for this healing that is taking place in her body as I speak.

In the Holy and Powerful Name of Jesus,

Harrison and family - Harrison is a 15 year old young man who is suffering from bone cancer. Lord I know that you are a healing God. You are the great physician. Father this young man is just that. He is so young and full of life to be having to go through this awful ordeal. Lord, I know there is nothing to big or too small for you to handle. I ask that you rain Your healing power down upon this young man. I personally have seen the miracles you have performed in that way. I have seen you straighten backs from scoliosis, I have seen you heal cancer of all kinds more than once. I have seen you heal broken bones. Therefore I know there is nothing which You cannot do . All through the New Testament You tell us to lean on You. All through the New Testament You tell us that as long as we abide in You and Your Words abide in us, we can ask anything and it will be done unto us. You talk about miracles being performed. You tell us that Jesus took His stripes for our healing. Lord, I am stepping out in faith knowing of what You and You alone are capable. I am stepping out in faith believing and expecting You to heal this young man. I ask you to heal him so that he will be a living testimony to your wonderful healing power. Lord in these last days people are wanting and expecting to see miracles as You, Yourself have told us to expect miracles. You tell us to come to You expecting You to answer our prayers. Lord I am here doing just that. I ask that You keep Your hand upon Charla and her family and give them strength. Sickness and disease takes its toll on all family members, not just the one who is ill, so I pray that you will strengthen them and increase their faith as they go through this ordeal. Lord help them to feel Your presence. Help them to know that they are not alone in this fight. That You are with them all the way. I understand that in some instances You heal instantaneously and in others you use a process for one reason or another. I just pray that which ever way You choose to heal Him that the whole family will feel your strength and Your power. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

Sherri and Toby - Marital problems and health issues--Father in heaven, thank you for allowing us to come boldly to your throne with our requests. Lord, in Your Word, You tell us to come boldly or "with confidence" knowing that what we ask You are more than able to do. Dear God, You know I didn't go into complete detail about this couple because I don't know how much they want "out here in "cyberspace", but the key is I know that You know what they are going through. You know the heartache that is shattering this family. You also know the issues the husband is facing, so I don't have to "put that out there. Lord I am stepping out in faith knowing that you can do ALL things. You can bring broken homes back together, You can mend shattered hearts, and you can deliver people from any addiction from alcohol, tobacco, to "recreational drugs, prescription drugs to steroids. There is NOTHING TOO DIFFICULT for you to help us to overcome. We just have to have faith in You and trust You. Father. I come to You pleading the blood of Jesus over this family. I ask that You touch their hearts and help both of them realize that they need each other and that it takes two to make or break a marriage. It takes communication. Communication with each other and Communication with You. Help them to realize that You are their greatest allie, and that you will help them if asked, but they need to ask You for help. Please Lord place this on their hearts, as there are many people out there with the misconception that You already know what's going on, You already know what is needed, so it doesn't have to be voiced. Lord clear this up for them. Make sure they understand that you want to help them and they need to ask You.

I stand in the gap for this couple. Father, I have somewhat been in Sherrie's position and I know how hard it is. Lord I don't know what Sherrie's relationship with you is like, but if she doesn't have a personal relationship with You I know it would be much harder for her than if she knows she has You to lean and depend on. I asked for Your intervention in their situation and thank you in advance. In Your Word You have told us "if we abide in You and Your Words abide in us then anything we ask in Your Name You will do. I'm standing on that promise when asking for this request, as well as expecting to see a miracle. In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN.

Redhead Riter: Personal problems - Father in heaven, I know that you look down on us from heaven and can see the issues, the crises, and the problems we each are having. I am asking you to take special note of Redhead Riter at this point and time. Lord, she has gone through so much. According to your Word you will not give us more than we can bear. Father, she is one of the sweetest people I know and is willing to help anyone. Even you say in Your word that those who do for the "least of them" do unto You. Lord, she is ALWAYS helping someone. Father, I don't know everything she is going through right now, but You do. I ask that You minister to her in every area that she is needing your guidance and ministering. I know Lord that part of it is a relationship problem. God I know that there is a perfect choice according to Your will out there for her. A man who will love her as You love the Church. I pray that you will send him to her. Someone who will cherish her, and support her and Alyssa mentally and physically. A man who knows how to financially support a family, and is willing to take whatever job is out there to support this family, even though he may not like the job at the time, or make "a lot' of money at it, I pray that you would send her someone who knows how to handle responsibility and would take a less desirable job until one came along that would fill both requirements. Hopefully this part of the request would not ever be needed, because I pray that whoever you send her way will have a secure job and finances. Most of all Lord, I ask that he be a man of God. A man who loves You and adheres by Your Word. Father, I ask that You give Red comfort and peace. I ask that You speak to her spirit and help her to know that you will send her the "perfect man for her" if she will allow you too. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

Tara - Excruciating pain in her leg, along with possible nerve damage. Dear Father, You know exactly what is ailing Tara and the cause. You are the great physician. Lord you know she has been having problems for quite some time with her health, having problems with her leg, back and a cracked tailbone. She is going in soon for an MRI and EMG test to find out the cause and damage. Lord, we are coming together to pray because we all know that You can heal her. Lord, we are asking that she doesn't end up having to get these procedures done. Dear God, I know what this precious child of God is going through, because I have had these types of problems except for the numbness myself. I ask Lord that You heal her. Allow her to be a living testimony of your wonderful healing power to those to whom she comes in contact with. God, according to Your Word, You say if we abide in You and Your Words abide in us, ask anything and it shall be done unto us. I, Lord, am standing on that promise because I know You are a God of Your Word. You cannot lie. I rebuke her illness and pain in the name of Jesus Christ. The devil has NO POWER over her body unless she allows him to by lack of faith. Father I do not believe that is the case, or she would not have come to us for prayer. Dear Father, you have told us to expect MIRACLES, in Your name, so that is what we are doing. In Jesus' Name, AMEN.

Buzz Woods - The son of a precious woman of God from my church is in VERY serious condition at a hospital in Kentucky from COPD. Father, You are looking down upon him from above. You know his spiritual condition and his physical condition. Lord you also know the position that the doctors have put his mother in for deciding to "take him off" the incubator or not. Dear God, I know that it is a heart-wrenching position to be in whether to let the machines keep your child alive, or let YOU take over his destiny. Father, Give Her Strength. This has to be the hardest thing a mother has to do. I don't know if I could do the latter either. Even though and her faith is completely in you, It's the natural thing for a mother to want to keep her child alive as long as possible. God, I ask you to have your way with or without the machine. Lord, Buzz has been on this prayer line since the beginning of my blog which is almost 2 years for healing of this illness. Lord,I ask that you touch
his heart and help him to be ready for your kingdom when his time comes. I expect to see either a miracle take place and Your healing power rain down upon him, or take him home. Do not let him suffer any longer. In the end, I have faith that you can heal him, but if you choose not to, I will praise You anyway, that is my trust in You. I ask this in Jesus' Name, AMEN

Redhead Riter's Situation and Her mom- Her mom is having to going in for a bone biopsy. Father in heaven, I pray that you will intervene and touch her with your healing word. You don't even have to lay hands on, You and You alone have the power to speak and it shall be healed. So Lord, I stand here on your Word, stepping out in faith and asking you to speak the healing word on Red's mother. God I also ask you to keep your hand on Red and the rest of her family. They have been through so much the last couple of years. Father, You have the power to touch and soften hearts that have have been hardened or changed. I ask that You touch this family in a mighty way. Change the hearts that need changing and the attitudes, slothfulness or whatever else needs ministering to in her family. You tell us in You Word to expect miracles, well, Father this is what I am doing. I look forward to the changes that you will make for the better in this family. In Jesus' Name, AMEN

Elder Sister Boone- She is a diabetic and has contracted gangrene in her foot. Both feet are having problems to the point where she cannot walk, but the doctors are trying desperately to save the leg which she has gangrene in. At this point is does not look good, but I know a God that is a healer and can heal her feet. Lord, I ask that you rain your healing power down upon Sister Boone (Elder) and make her feet whole again. Father I ask that You heal her feet so that she can dance in Your presence for Your glory. I am standing on your Word and Your promises that by Your stripes she is healed. I am stepping out in faith as You tell me to do believing that You will accomplish this feat and heal both of her feet. In Your Word You tell me that if I abide in You and Your Words abide in me that I can ask what I will and You will do it. In another verse You tell me that I can ask ANYTHING in Your name and you will do it. I am asking for this healing for Sister Boone (Elder). In the Powerful name of JESUS, AMEN
Kristi- Employment hours will be cut to cut to 18 hours a week. Father in heaven, I ask that you intervene in Kristi's situation. Lord, I ask that you help this business to start thriving so Kristi won't have to lose hours. If this is not Your plan, I ask that you help her to find a good job that would supplement the 18 hour week that she will be working at this family owned business. God you know they are doing the best that they can. You also know what shape our economy is in, and it is hurting most people. I ask that you help the family owned business which she works for also. Help them to prosper God. You tell us in Your Word that you want us to prosper, of course I know you mean spiritually as well as monetarily. It would be so nice is before the holidays get into full swing that You would help this business to start thriving so that all concerned in this business would start making a profit. Lord, according to Your Word, In we abide in you and your words abide in us, anything we ask in Jesus' Name you will do. Also in another verse you make that same promise that anything we ask in your name you will do. So I am standing on your promise, God. You tell us to look for and expect miracles. Father, while miracles happen everyday, this special time of year is perfect to see the miracles which you promise will come to pass. I ask this and expect these miracles in Jesus' Name, AMEN.

Libby and her Family: Father, I know that I wanted to ask for permission to print this, but as Libby posted it on her blog and her aunt also did it, I feel confident that she will not be upset at me for lifting her and her family up on here in need of prayer. Lord, I pray for her Whole family as there is no such thing as one person going through this alone if they have family. Even though one person may be ill, the whole family and circle of friends feels this illness and its effects.

 I pray for them all to take comfort in knowing that You have made certain promises to us, and You don't lie. God I know Libby is being prayer for by many others, so I would like to add myself and anyone who reads this to her group of prayer warriors. Lord, I know that harsh things will come our way in this world, but I also know that you will be with us through them and help us to deal with them. God this precious child of Yours is suffering from Cancer. You know this as you see all, know all and are everywhere. I know Lord that You can see our past, present and future.

I pray that in Libby's, her husband's and her baby's future, Libby is healed by YOUR hand and is living her life full of health, happiness and YOU. Touch her God, rain down Your healing power upon her as ONLY YOU CAN. You made promises to us that anything we ask in YOUR NAME you will do, You tell us "by YOUR stripes we are Healed". I know that You did not take that beating for no reason. You have told others (in the Bible) that their "faith" made them whole. I stand on these promises knowing that you cannot lie. You tell us to expect miracles, that you are "working on our prayers as we speak" . I believe that . I rebuke that cancer in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, and I believe that You will heal her.
In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Lori Wells & Husband- Prayer for Having a child.

Buzz Woods-Acute COPD- Praise report- He of course is still contending with this disease, but he is doing much better. I still am believing in God for a complete healing.
Ridge Cary- Praise Report- Although he still struggles with this disorder and makes frequent visits to the hospital, he is now at home living and enjoying life with his family. thank you God!

Cheryl Woods -
health problems and family situation which needs God's intervention.


1 Mommy Kennedy said...

PJ, these prayers are so touching! Thank you so much! ((hugs))

2 lynette355 said...

thanks for the prayers for "j". She is home resting right now. And she celebrated her birthday yesterday with her sweet baby still in her tummy safe and sound. I said young girl as I am an old woman. She is actually a young lady in her 20's.

3 The Redhead Riter said...

"Lord touch her and give her a hunger for You and Your Word like she has never felt before." I think you are reading my mind because I have been praying this especially lately.

"While You're at it Father, please help Red, by giving her peace in her heart." Thank you PJ. That was beautiful. The whole post was so thoughtful and I appreciate it more than my words can say.

4 lynette355 said...

PJ, thanks for the uplifiting prayer. We do try hard to do right. I know that is what is expected but it gets tiring some days. I pray for all on your list to have peace of mind and for God's will to be done.

As for Jennifer and Family-strength and stamina and finances as her mother goes through chemo treatments for cancer. Jennifer's mother has passed away. They have all come together and finished all final arrangements. Now it is a family of healing. Thanks for your prayer support.

5 lynette355 said...

Prayers are being answered and don't stop praying either....still financial straits but a lil bit of help now.


6 Erin said...

Thank you! I know that the reason Colby did so well and was able to go home after two days was because of all the prayers and is part of his purpose in life.

7 CharlieandBrooke said...

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. We love you!

8 The Zany Housewife said...

Thank you so much PJ. Your prayer brought tears to my eyes.

9 David said...

Amen. I agreed with you.

Thanks for the kind words and message may the Lord keep on blessing you and keep on filling you with His joy,love and peace. God bless you!