Monday, November 30, 2009

Branson's Andy Williams-"Doing Him Justice"

Well, I have taken drastic measures. Last night or I should say in the wee hours of this morning I typed a post. I got a late start because I had been working on tearing apart a latchhook that I had started several months ago, but only got about 25 rows done out of 90 before getting too exasperated to work on it. I originally tried to do it on a narrow long table and got the rows numbered wrong thereby getting the colors off. Anyway, I tried improvising with the colors and made it worse, so I put it away and did a smaller one. Now that I finished that one, decided to go back and redo this other one. Anyway, I was doing that until 1am. I then came in and started my post, but was too tired to get the pictures the way I wanted them. This morning when I went to Curves, Lynette explained how she does it, so I decided to re-write my blog and try her way. So here goes.

I also wanted to include a picture that I accidentally left out of the "Christmas Lights Tour". I like it because it mentioned the Ozarks I can't remember exactly what the sign said, and it's kind of small at least for my eyes to read the picture.

The next few pictures are of the Andy Williams show. I mentioned him in past posts but I don't think I dedicated one to him. This show will always have a special meaning for me. You can't beat it for a nice CLEAN Variety show.

This first picture was of dancing penguins. Of course they were just costumed dancers, but it was refreshing to see an act that wasn't trying to be "sexy" or risque.

Here are a couple of dancers which are actually magician quick change artists. They could change their clothes so fast, It was really neat!

May I introduce the Warnock Sisters. They kind of reminded me of the Lennon or Andrew Sisters. I know I'm dating myself and going back to the days of actually good music. (The 40's and 50's).

Christmas Cookies anyone? They were so cute! These acts really took me back to sitting in front of the television with my mom every week without fail to watch this show.

This guy to the right (I know this is a lousy picture but he was one of my favorite acts.) is a singing impressionist. He did Lou Rawls, Ray Charles, Tony Bennet, Sammy Davis, Jr., of course Andy Williams, and several more. He sounded just like them.

I am counting on this post turning out like I want it to, by having the pictures in place like they're supposed to be. Well, needless to say, it's better than it was to begin with, but still not professional looking like most of the ones I have seen y'all do. I know, it will take time, but eventually I'll get the hang of it. Please bear with me.

I'm sure y'all have known this for a long time, but I just realized it today. If you will click on the picture, it enlarges it so you can actually see what this lousy phtographer took pictures of. That makes me feel a little better.

I also hope that you have enjoyed the "Tour" of Andy Williams Christmas Show.
It seems strange not to type "Good Night".

Have a nice day, and May God Bless!


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