Good Evening to All!
I don't know if y'all can see a pattern growing here, but I have noticed of late that I have been posting quite a bit about doing God's Will above our own to be happy. I don't know why He has directed me in this direction unless this is something that He feels is becoming more and more lacking as His time to come back draws nigh.
Jesus said to them, Boys (children), You do not have any meat (fish), do you? [Have you caught anything to eat along with your bread?] (John 21:5 Amp. version)
Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
(John 21:5 KJV)
John 21 tells the story of the disciples who fished all night long, but caught nothing. Have you ever felt like you were doing all you knew to do and still not getting an good result? If so, then you know how they must have felt.
Jesus showed up and called to them from the beach and asked if they had caught anything. They said no. He told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat and they wold find fish. They cast, and they had so many fish they could not even haul in the net. This story is an example of what happens when we follow God's will, compared to what happens when we follow our own will.
when Jesus questioned them, He was basically saying, "Are you doing any good at what you are trying to do?" that is a question we might ask our selves when we have no fruit to show for all the effort we put into the projects we are working on.
When we "fish" outside the will of God, it's equivalent to fishing on the wrong side of the boat. Sometimes we struggle, strive, work, and strain, trying to make something great happen. We try to change things, people or ourselves. We try to get more money or a higher position at work. We can work and work in all these ways and still have nothing to show for our efforts except being worn out.

Have you caught anything lately? Have you accomplished anything besides being worn out? If not, maybe you've been fishing on the wrong side of the boat.
God's Word For You Tonight: If you ask for God's help and listen for His voice, He will tell you where to throw your net.
I am a woman that loves to fish. The problem is I am not in control of the boat when we go, my hubby is. I am a novice fisherman (fisherwoman), where my husband has been fishing ALL of his life, so he knows all the tricks to find out where the fish are. I have to rely on him if I want to catch anything. I listen to him when he tells me to cast on this side of the boat, or use a certain jig to catch fish because the water is too shallow for the jig I am using or the water is too muddy so I need a different color. By listening to my experienced guide of a husband, I usually catch quite a number of fish.
Well, in Life, we should let God control our boats. He knows where the "best"places for fishing are, He knows what "lures" to use. He knows everything about us. Not only that I have found that if I use what I have to help others, I get back so much more in return, not only physically in the way of "rewards" but also emotionally, and mentally". If we will just ask God to help us in our every endeavor, and ask for HIS WILL to be done in everything we do, then Our nets will be overflowing. We will be blessed and so will others.
Good Night and May God Bless!

can i go fishing with your husband too?
Enjoyed your fishing story Sweetie...I LOVE the image and especially the one of
"Come to Me"..
We are preparing for a short business trip but I will sure be feeling His Spirit along the roadways.. We purchased some neat
inspirational tunes to travel with !!! It'll be a long day tomorrow..
Thinking of You Sweet Sis!!!
Gods Blessings allllll over you~~~Hugs Dena
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