Good Evening to All!

How many times did you hear your parent's complain about you not eating everything on your plate, and say "Don't you realize there are starving children out there"? Well, it hasn't gotten any better over the years. I understand that even in the Bible it states that the "poor" will be with us always, but it is our obligation as Christians to do what we can for them. Jesus said what we do for the least of them we do for HIM.

I am stepping out from the ordinary tonight. I read this article about these precious children and couldn't resist coming to y'all and asking you to put your hearts on your sleeves for a few minutes. Long enough to read about See how it can make a bigger difference in these children's lives because they offer so much more. They offer them the opportunity to reach adulthood as Christ-loving adults, who know that their Heavenly Father will provide for them. He will make a way by touching hearts all along the way as they grow and and even when they become adults they will know that they can go to Him and ask for help in every aspect of their lives and He will answer.
Isn't this an excellent gift to give? Not only to physically help children by sponsor them, but to give them the gift of the knowledge of God?
There are several aspects to this site. You can browse paragraphs of children waiting for a sponsor, it is possible to search for children with certain traits, or you can even allow Compassion Children's Ministry to choose the child for you. If this option is chosen however, you will not see the information on the website. It will have to be mailed to you.
If you are still unsure about whether you want to do this you can call, send a letter or e-mail to discuss sponsoring a child and make sure whether this is the right decision for you.
Of course there is quite a bit more to this site than I have mentioned. They have everything broken down so that it is easy to understand. The main thing to remember is the most important of all. These children will learn about their God, their Savior while growing up and will feel safe even in times of trouble.
Check out this site today and see the difference as Christian ministries go a step further than most of the organizations out there. They are Christ centered, child focused, church based and committed to integrity. If you like what you see, then maybe even go a step further and Sponsor a child.
Thank you for considering and May God Bless,
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