Friday, November 19, 2010


Good Evening to All!

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
(Romans 8:14 KJV)


I love this verse. For as short and to the point as it is, it says it ALL. All who sincerely live for God and let the Spirit guide them in every way, they are the sons of God. The reason I bring this up is because I have heard quite a few people in my time who actually believe that just because God created us that we are automatically God's children and will go to heaven. I'm sorry but I beg to differ, having this scripture to back up my belief. Only those who believe, have a personal relationship with Him and live for Him will be blessed with a place in heaven beside our King.

Being led by the Holy Spirit means allowing Him to be involved in every aspect of our lives. From the major decisions such as which college to attend or who to marry to the minor decisions such as what clothes to wear as far as what is modest dress, where to go on a date, or any other decision we make. God wants to be part of this process and He wants us to abide by His decision because He knows what is best for us better than we do. After all, He can see where we've been, where we are in life, and where our lives are going in the future. He knows how to make decisions based on these factors, whereas all we see is right now. Now, I ask you, who better to take the wheel of your life?

He with His still, small voice to our spirit will guide us and lead us with love, peace and wisdom. I like what Joyce Meyer called it, our "inward witness". When this voice speaks to us, we should not delay, as that would be considered disobedient. God knows what is best for us, so we should take Him at His word and when He speaks we should do what He asks right away. For example if we are getting dressed and the voice inside tells us the blouse is too low cut, we should change it. God is telling us what we have on is inappropriate to wear. We as children of God should want to please Him in every way, including dress.

If we get aggravated with someone and start to say something to them, but we hear a little voice inside saying don't say it, it will not produce anything good, then we should hold our tongue.

A lot of times we may not understand why we get these feelings inside, and we don't see anything wrong with what we are wearing, or telling someone how we feel, but God sees the Big Picture. It could be that if we wear what we were intending to wear, and happen to come in contact with a less than respectful man, he may take the way we are dressed as a signal that we are looking for "shall we say an "unwilling companionship" (if you know what I mean), or in a less detrimental situation it could gain us a "loose" reputation for showing too much up top or if we have a miniskirt on, too much on bottom. This is not what God wants. He wants His light to be able to shine through. He wants people to see His love, and not so much skin that it leaves a person's imagination going wild. God created us to be ambassadors of good will and to show His love to all who come in contact with us, meaning modesty, meekness, patience, kindness, gentleness, joy, and other traits of God.

A lot of times we may never know why the Holy Spirit objects to certain things. We may just hear that small voice in our hearts guiding us away from something, but we can rest assured God has His reasons for everything He tells us to do.

I have a lot of questions for God when I reach heaven. I hope he will allow a "question and answer session" after that 30 minutes of silence when we are all called home.

I am truly trying to practice not being so long-winded or having itchy typing fingers.

Good Night and May God bless!



Anonymous said...


You are not the only one with "alot of questions for God" when I go to live with Him forever.

Not that I think I deserve an explanation for what takes place in my life.... I don't. He is the potter, I am simply the clay. Just like a potter isn't obligated to explain why he created a piece of pottery as He did... the same applies to us. (Roms 9:20-21)

However, just as you say... they are so many things that He does that are far beyond me understanding. In every case, I rest in the fact that:

1. He loves me and what He wants only what is good for me, ALWAYS.

2. He knows the end from the beginning, I do not. When He leads me, it is based on His knowledge of past, present and future events. I can only see a few of the past and present events going on around me.

3. If I follow His leadership for my life (whether I understand it or not), I will be blessed of Him and I can know that He will take care of the results of my choice.

Just as Dr Stanley (In Touch Ministries) says, "Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him".

Amen to that.

Thanks for allowing another long post. Thnis subject is near and dear to my heart.

May the Lord continue to bless you, PJ. You've encouraged my heart this morning.

Toyin O. said...

Amen PJ, we should alway yeild to that inner voice with the grace of God. I will let Jesus drive the wheel of my life anyday, he knows what is best for me. Tnanks for sharing.

I just also want to thank you for visiting my blog and your gracious comment;to God be the glory. Have a blessed week!