Good Evening to All!
Just so you know, this has been a difficult night to decide on what to post. I have started my post over 3 different times. I would be typing along thinking I was making great progress, when I feel that God stopped me and said this is not what I want you to talk about. So I would pray, and start again, and again I would be typing along and get a good ways down and I would hear that voice again, I don't want to talk about that either.
Needless to say, I am starting from scratch. I pray that I am in God's will with the following post.
These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one shall open.
(Revelation 3:7)
Sometimes God speaks by opening or closing a door to something we want to do. When Paul and Silas had gone through Phrygia and the region of "Galatia, they were

We may not fully understand why doors that we think should be opened to us are not and why doors that we wouldn't think would be opened to us suddenly are. God is the only one who knows this. He has His reasons. Sometimes there may be trouble down the road, sometimes we just think we can handle what this opportunity holds for us. I know, I've been there.
Many years ago, I worked for Texas Instruments, Inc. I was only a temporary worker, but I was definitely looking for permanent work. I had done SOME secretarial work, but by no means was I what you would consider an experienced secretary. Anyway, a position came open for an engineering secretary and I applied for the job. I was silly enough to think that just because I could type at a decent speed, that I could handle this type of job. I was hired, but I only lasted 3 weeks before I went in and told the boss that I had bitten off more than I could chew, that I didn't realize how difficult an engineering secretaries duties were and that I thought I'd better quit before I got fired. He was hesitant because he said he liked me, but understood. (I was way to slow as far as the workload went. (I was supposed type all of the specifications for 16 different electrical engineers, and I was overwhelmed considering I had come from being a "mail clerk".
The point I'm trying to make is that if I had been in a relationship with God at that time and had prayed about it, it would not have happened, because I know the Holy Spirit would have warned me.
It did turn out to be a blessing in disguise for me because I ended up getting a job with the Lubbock Fire Department as secretary to the Deputy Chief of Operations and I loved it. When God shuts a door, He opens a window. I also believe that He helps even those who are back sliders (people who have been in church, but quit going) and those who are familiar with God, but don't go to church, pray or study His word. Now, this is just my PERSONAL opinion, because of my experiences, but things have happened to me in the past that could only be explained by God's intervention. That job for one, another is way back in my past life, (in the 70's when I was young stupid and didn't "care" about a relationship with God, I was a heavy drinker. I was living in New Jersey, but had been in Pennsylvania for the day and was coming home. I had been drinking and ended up going the wrong way on the New Jersey Turn Pike. To this day, I have NO IDEA how I made it off the turnpike without getting a ticket let alone having an accident and being killed. All I can say is GOD'S INTERVENTION. I have many other stories which I could relay, but won't.
That being said, if you have a relationship with God, you are much closer to Him and He will here your cries and see your needs quicker than if you don't. I truly feel blessed that He watched over me, and provided for me. I know He has opened windows and doors for me, and closed others for which I am thankful.

Include Him in your decisions. Ask for His input. He definitely knows what's best for us. I wish I had woke up to this fact LONG AGO. God will not put us in a position that is a detriment to us. He knows what suits us better in the way of employment, our spouses, and in every aspect of our lives. In seems the smartest thing we could do is to include Him. I've seen people contact psychics, palm readers, and employment agencies. None of which knows you like God knows you. Psychic and palm readers are less than credible for that sort of thing, I don't know if they are ligit or not. I know that the Bible says NOT to have dealings with seers (psychics and mediums). Employment agencies, while being to tell you your strong educational assets (after giving you an extensive test) but not what you would be happy doing (which would make you better at your job). God can do all of that, if you will ask Him and heed His advice.
My advice is Pray and ask Him for your needs whether they are financial, physical, or spiritual. Listen for His reply in your spirit, and pay attention to His advice. DO WHAT HE SAYS. If we ask for His help, but don't take His advice, then we have only ourselves to blame for failure. He will shut doors not good for you and OPEN windows that are. He knows what's best for us.
Good Night to All and May God Bless!

Oh how much better off we'd be if we would put God into every decision we made before making it.
After all...in all thy ways aknowledge Him....
What a blessing it is to be able to approach the throne of the Lord and humbly seek HIs will for our lives. I believe this is one of the greatest blessings Christians receive.
Without His leadership and His intervention in our decision making, we, as fallen mankind, are bound to make wrong decision after wrong decision.
Your post was a blessing to me and a much needed reminder of my need to always seek His face concerning my service to Him.
Thank you for your faithfulness.
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