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Good Evening to All!
Faithful Blogging Prompt #5: What is your life verse and why? In case you don’t know, a life verse is a particular verse in the Bible that holds a significant meaning to you, whether it defines your life, gives you inspiration, or just speaks to you. This is what Courtney, the Founder of Faithful Bloggers has suggested as a post for this week. I have many. I think I have a different one for just about every aspect of my life.
Many people have what they call a "memory verse" for the week, I seem to have one I think of one for every situation.
For Example: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) This is a good verse all around. It's telling me that we should seek God for all our needs. When He says "all these things", He is talking about food, clothing and shelter. He is talking about our needs in life, not necessarily our "wants".

Another one I quote to myself a lot is Cast thy burden upon the Lord for He shall sustain thee. (Psalm 55:22) A similar one (paraphrasing) is one that says to Cast all our cares upon Him. ( I can't for the life of me remember the exact verse or scripture number. These I quote when I am worried.
I guess really and truly though the one that has really been my strength builder is "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13) I quote this on a regular basis, because of my lack of confidence.
Before my hubby got his 100% VA Disability status, my life verse was "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." We were strapped the majority of the time, but we never went without. We always ended up with gas in our car, food in our stomachs, a roof over our head and clothes on our backs. Thanks be to GOD.
I have many more which I could mention, but for times sake I'll leave those for another day. I truly believe that these verses above if prayed from the heart every day, could change a person's outlook on life, therefore changing their life.
If they would just understand that they have someone to lean on. Someone MUCH str

Even with my self-esteem issues, I am much more confident than I used to be just by believing in God's Word and praying and claiming His promises to me.
I'm not saying that it's magic, because it's not. God never promised that we would not have hard times, or that everything will be a bed of roses, but He said He would go through it with us and help us. Some things we have to go through to strengthen us, be it our faith, our resolve, or our love for Him, but He will never forsake us.
The purpose of the top picture is to remind us that whatever our problems, our fears, or even our self-esteem issues, we can be sure that we have NEVER had to go through anything as bad as what Jesus did for us. Not just the crucifixion but EVERYTHING leading up to it. People are always concentrating on the "end" deed. What about what our descendants did to Him leading up to it? The mockery, the beatings, the spitting on, OR even just plain selfishness, "I want to be healed", I want to touch Him, I want, I want. Does that sound familiar, even today we do that. I wonder how many people get up in the morning and just say Lord, I love you. Thank you for being who you are. No more. Leave it at that. Granted, He loves to help us. He wants us to ask for His help, but I can't help but wonder if He wouldn't like to hear just some prayers of praise once in a while.
Believe it or not, I had already typed my closing and everything before I went back and typed this last paragraph! LOL! Now you understand what I was talking about last night when it comes to stopping, taking a breath and listening? I write like I talk. Continually! LOL!
Good Night to All and May God Bless!

Just beautiful you blog is wonderful. I am follow you via the Slit and Relax Weekend blog hop. Please follow me.
Thank you for reminding me to praise God more. You're totally right.
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