Good Evening to All!
Well, I started this last night. I should say I was putting the finishing touches on it ( pictures and last minute edits) when somehow a little gremlin came and snatched the majority of it away. LOL! I honestly don't know where it went. I looked for a cute yet mischievous gremlin. The others looked pretty "evil", and I didn't want them on my post. This one isn't mean, just "ornery! LOL!
Now, I could choose to believe that it was God not liking or wanting me to write about this, or the devil trying to hinder me, or just one of the many times I hit a wrong key and wipe it all out. I guess I ought to take responsibility and choose the latter reason because I honestly don't know what happened. So, on with the post.
For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you,

We sometimes feel the urge to resistance as we seek to follow the Holy Spirit, and many times that "urge" or resistance to follow comes from a form of fear. Fear in many different forms. Fear of natural disasters, diseases or other catastrophes. Another type of fear is a more common one. One that the devil uses against us all the time. A nagging sense of anxiety and unrest about common, ordinary things. He tries his best to make us afraid of boldly going to the throne of God. He puts all kinds of ideas in our heads such as what if "this" isn't important enough to pray about? What if I'm praying for something frivolous? What if I pray wrong? Does God really care about everyday things? Does He really want me to pray about Every aspect of my life? Is He really interested in my routine mundane life?
The answer to that is a simple and definitive answer of YES.
In a perfect world, we would be able to put our complete faith in God, and look to Him for all things. That is the way it should be. We should not be afraid, we should not worry, or be confused about anything, because these things are NOT from God. They come from our flesh and from Satan. The problem is, we let our human side, our flesh get in the way and start convincing our minds and our hearts to doubt, to fear and to question. Even though we know in our heart that God is ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING, AND ALL KNOWLEDGEABLE, we still allow ourselves to take on these feelings. I truly believe that even the strongest of us do it. At least for a few fleeting moments. The strong ones may shake themselves as soon as they start having these thoughts and get rid of them and ask God to forgive them. Others may allow the thoughts of fear, doubt and confusion to linger for a time and then push them out. Then we have those who allow the thoughts to take root.
We need to get into the habit of pushing these feelings and thoughts away from us as soon as they enter our thoughts, before they reach our hearts.
From all accounts of research I have done, the words "Fear Not" have appeared in the Bible 365-366 times. That is what the Internet said. I looked it up on Audio Bible.com and I could only find 63 verses in which the exact phrase "fear not" was used. There may be some other variations, but I didn't go that deep. God's idea of "not fearing" is to HAVE FAITH IN HIM. He knows what is best for us. My favorite thing that I like to tell people is "Fear is NOT from God". The best think we can do is to pray about EVERYTHING and fear NOTHING. When we fear, it is like saying that we don't think God is able to protect or take care of us.
Remember, Jesus told His disciples to "fear not" many times, and I believe more than once told them, "O ye of little faith", because they were afraid. They were afraid while in the ship out in the tempest, or storm.

This change won't happen over night. You will have to develop it by forcing yourself to be rid of the negative habits of fearing things and start concentrating on God more and praying more. The Holy Ghost's purpose is to teach us, to guide us into all truths. Therefore it will help us down the right path and help us develop good habits if we will let it. We have to remember though, that He will not force us into doing anything. He will nudge us by reminding our spirit, that we should pray, but He won't "knock us on our knees" or force the words to come out of our mouths". We have free will and have to make our own choices.
I have often heard it said if we will do a specific thing for twenty-one straight days without missing, it will become a habit.
I would like to challenge everyone to start your day out with a prayer for twenty-one days. It doesn't have to be a long prayer, it can be while your sitting at the kitchen table drinking your morning coffee, or driving to work, or even taking your morning shower. Just pray. Pray that God will guide you through your day and be a part of it. Please try this for twenty-one days. If you want to, I would really like to know how you are doing with this challenge, so comment on my blog as we are doing this challenge. It will be from the 23rd of April (tomorrow) until the 14th of May.
I don't know about you, but I look forward to showing God just how much faith I truly do have in Him. For He is my Rock, my fortress and my refuge in time of trouble.
In case you're wondering, this is why I wouldn't make a good writer. My thoughts go back and forth. The more I try to put them in order on the screen, the worse it gets! LOL!
Good Night to All and May God Bless!

1 comment:
Good advice PJ :-)
I wonder why the Lord told us to "fear not" so many times? Could it be.... that we are all a bunch of scaredy-cats!
God bless and have a wonderful Easter
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