Good Evening to All!
First, before I broach this subject, please let me assure anyone who is going through grief from the loss of a loved one at this time, this post is not meant to be callous or distasteful. It is not meant to make light of your sorrow. I just feel that this subject needs to be approached.
When I know loved ones of the people who pass, I never know what to say to them. I want to console them, but just like when my mom and dad passed away, I know I didn't want to hear all the "cliches" such as "they're in a better place", "at least they aren't suffering now", or "they're better off because they're with Jesus". Yes, I would venture to say that all those are true, but when you're looking at the rest of your life without the physical presence of a loved one, those are sentences you really don't want to hear. I know as I said, I've been there.
Since I have developed a serious relationship with Christ, He has opened my eyes and my heart to many things. One of which is what I say to people now for a loved one's passing. I always let them know that I am not going to say all the cliches, but even though we mourn the physical loss of a loved one, we should also rejoice in our spirit because they have met their Ultimate Goal.
To be in God's presence should be all of our Ultimate Goals. This one goal is what we should all strive for, to live a long God-fearing life, and when we leave this earth, enter into heaven for an eternity with God. There is a difference in "being happy" and rejoicing in the spirit. Rejoicing in the spirit is not being "happy" , but satisfied in the spiritual sense that they are with their savior which is the Ultimate Destination.
I hope I didn't stick my foot in my mouth too far. I am just trying to tell people reasons why they should not be bitter at God for their "loss". Then again, as I told someone in a comment today, I'm somewhat of an "odd bird". I would NEVER take my own life, but if God were to take me home today, I wouldn't be upset. I'm not afraid of death. I don't like the way this world is going, and I look forward to spending an eternity with my LORD.
That being said, He does not make these things happen, He allows them to because as I persistently state, He can see from the END to the BEGINNING. We must remember that God Always Knows Best.
Today's Seed: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." (Psalm

We don't want to talk about it. We don't want to think about it. But death is part of life. Sooner or later the death of a loved one forces us to face death--up close and personal. As we get older, we're touched by death again and again--a parent, a dear friend, a spouse, or even a son or daughter. Death plays no favorites. It comes to all of us. "Death is the destiny of every man" (Ecclesiastes 7:2).
When a loved one dies--either slowly or suddenly--we may be angry and strike out at God and feel that God has abandoned us. In this dark time we need to hear the words of the psalmist who tells us that there can be joy in death. Joy in death? How can this be possible, we ask through our tears?
The answer? As death draws nearer, so does God. Death comes in God's time, and God watches over each of us and knows when we will need him most. The Bible assures us that when loved ones die, they are precious to God--as precious to Him as they are to us.
The good news for believers is that when we reach eternity---God will wipe every tear from our eyes. "There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4).

How does knowing that your loved one is precious to God help you?

(Insert someone's name who you know is having a difficult time dealing with the loss of someone). Whether it be recent or a distant loss it hurts just the same.).

Good Night to All and May God Bless!

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