Good Evening to All!
I know I'm a bit late getting started on my post, but I just finished watching an excellent Christian movie called "The Grace Card". It was a real tear jerker, but had a wonderful message.
The apostles said to the Lord," increase our faith". (6) And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you. (Luke 17:5-6)
These apostles had witnessed the most awesome of miracles, and now they asked for an increase of faith. They believed, but Jesus now changes their way of thinking about their mission. Forgiveness seven times in one day, the same person for the same offense (vs. 4)--requires faith that goes beyond miracles. It demands the transformation of our lives and the softening of our hearts toward the failings of others. This is faith in the midst of the most unfair of situations, and in spite of repeated evidence of wrong. This faith replaces our self-preservation instinct with trust in the Lord, who will protect and keep us.
The apostles had seen Jesus do miracles, stood right their beside him while He did them, yet they still had to ask Him to increase their faith. What does that say about us? We don't have Him in the "flesh" to see Him do these things for example healing someone. We see it happen, yet we have to take it by faith that it was He that did it. That brings to mind the verse where Jesus saith unto him, Thomas "because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed (John 20:29).
Romans 12:3 says For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
God has given us a "measure of faith" but it is up to us to increase it by allowing Him t
I don't know about y'all, but this is something I am constantly having to work on and repent for daily. I get upset, but I don't stay that way long. The drawback is that I don't ask for forgiveness either. I just go about my business and act like everything is fine, like the situation never happened.
I need to learn how to truly forgive in my actions as well as my words. This is a life long journey because I know that being human, we are constantly having to referee the battle between our spirit and our flesh. We know what is right, but it is human nature to want to satisfy the flesh. Which (in my case) means "to be right". I know there are many other ways in which our flesh wants to be satisfied, but this "attitude" is really one I have to keep a check on. It's not that I think I'm right all of the time, I just keep talking and explaining trying to "get my point across" or until he finally gives in. I am working on that issue constantly. I'm getting better, but I have a ways to go.
I have finally realized that it isn't going to be overcome by me alone. I definitely need HIS help. I believe that this is a very big part of the battle. Knowing and admitting that we need His help. That we cannot overcome obstacles on our own. He is helping me to "adjust" my particular problem, but at the same time, whenever Satan sees that I am trying to do what God wants me to do, he throws an argumentative spirit at my hubby and usually gets the best of me. So I have to start all over again.
To let our spirit take the lead, it will take God's help, and a lot of faith, believing that God will be there to help us every time we need Him to guide us .
The great thing about that is every time we do this, every time we trust God to help us our faith in Him increases.
Well, I had in mind that this was going to be one of my shorter posts, because I started so late. It almost was but I just kept on thinking of things to say.
Good Night To All and May God Bless!
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