Good Evening and Lots of Smiles to Everyone!
Tonight's post is dedicated to a WONDERFUL Book titled "Life Application Study Bible Devotional" written by Tyndale and Livingstone. The Subtitle is Daily Wisdom from the Life of Jesus - the GOSPELS. I am still in the midst of reading it of course, but I am really getting a lot from it. I received this complimentary copy from Tyndale Publishing Company.
This book has a tendency to "suck you right in" to the devotion, because of the way it is written. It makes you feel like you are there while it's happening.
It is easy to read and understand, yet a person gets so much from it. It is constructed in a way which causes reflection. It has four short sections to each days devotions: reading the word (where you read a specific passage from the Bible), Talking to God ( where it helps you to understand what you need to pray for to help you understand better in the specific devotion), Setting the Scene (which give the background of what is happening in the passage along with reference verses), and last but not least, Getting Personal, (which asks reflective questions, along with a summary of what lessons should have been gained by reading and studying this devotion.
As an example, today's Devotions is for Week 40, Day 3, "The Way Of Blessing". The Passage it is about is John 13:12-20 and is written from the NIV version. I won't type the whole passage, but it is about when Jesus washed the disciples feet and His explanation to them. After reading that comes the section of Talking to God, which gives us an idea for prayer such as Acknowledging our own human tendency to focus on our own needs, instead of others. It says to ask God to give us a central focus of worshiping Him and enjoying His presence, and a secondary focus on the needs of those around us. In other words help us to realize that our main focus should not be on ourselves, but others.
Setting the Scene gives us the picture of what is going on and the actual lesson which Jesus is teaching His disciples.
The devotional then "Gets Personal". It asks questions for us to ponder. Not quick yes or no answers, but questions like When have you received unexpected service? What settings might give you opportunity for service?
At the end of the devotion is a piece of wisdom we can always put to use such as,
We cross a significant threshold in spiritual maturity when we set aside our own needs and desires and watch for God's direction in meeting the needs of others.
I truly am enjoying this book because I don't have to read, and re-read the devotion as I do with many others , because I forgot what it said. The way this Devotional is set up makes it a fantastic study guide as well as a daily "reflective" Devotional. I look forward to each day's devotional, and sometimes even continue on through several days because it is so easy and informative.
If I were to have to rate this book, I would give it 4.75 stars out of 5, (the quarter missing is because I like Hard Backs rather than soft as I am very hard on bending the bindings). Of course this DOES NOT take away from the content or the beautiful writing style of the book.
I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. My favorite books to read (next to the Bible) are Daily Devotionals and so far this is the best one I have found. It's simplistic format, the way it is broken down makes it easy to keep up with and understand.
It is a great book from teens on up.
Thank you for also letting me share tonight's devotional with you, even if it was the abbreviated version.
I am also hosting a GIVE-AWAY for this Wonderful Book! The only entry requirements are to Follow my blog and leave a comment stating just that and how you think this book will help you in your daily life. Unfortunately, it is limited to U.S. entries only.
Hurry and Enter as it's only going to last a week. Remember to comment for each separate thing, one for following and another for how it will help you in your daily life. Be sure and leave your e-mail address on your comment as well, so I will know how to notify the winner. I will use Random. Org to determine the winner on October 6, (Thursday) night at 9:pm.
Good luck to those who enter. This is a really nice book, even though it is a soft cover. I know whoever wins it will gain lots of knowledge and get lots of enjoyment out of it.
Good Night To All and May God Bless!

This sounds like a great book and something I surely could use at this point in my life. Things have been...trying to say the least.
Good luck to all who enter!
For those who read and were blessed by the application of biblical studies of life, devotion to the life of Jesus is a necessity. Each submission is clearly written that includes questions of introspection and contributes to prayer and meditation.
Dreambox 500s
Thanks for the review:) Anything recommended for teens, too, makes me always want to take a second look.
Thanks P.J. for always being so encouraging and showing the love of the Father!
Great post, Patti!!
I am glad that you are doing better with your health issues.
I have been praying for your complete healings and prompt recovery. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the world, Patti!!
God bless you always!!
Poet Starry Dawn.
I think I need some help now, Things are getting rough again. I'm a follower.
I follow you. merg49@gmail.com
Dang, I hate to hear you was sick. Why did you not holler at me and say....send me some soup? I also heard that Nita is in the nursing home. What? I want to go visit her SOON! Oh and I have a couple of bags of cans too. What else????? LIFE, dang, sure gets in the way of visiting! Love you girl...oh and of course I follow you!
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