Good Evening to All!
Can you guess who these pictures are?

1. How did Methuselah's father die? (Genesis 5:24)
a) in the flood
b) killed by Sodomites
c) he didn't; God simply "took him"
d) d0 not reported in Scripture
2. The patriarch of the Jewish nation was__________. (Genesis 12:2, Romans 4:1, etc.)

3. Who was the earthly father of the twelve tribes of Israel? (Genesis 49:1-28)
a) Abraham
b) Isaac
c) Jacob
d) Benjamin
4. Not included among the twelve tribes of Israel was that of _________. (Genesis 49:1-28)
a) Samuel
b) Gad
c) Asher
d) Zebulun
5. Jacob instructed his sons to bury him in __________.
a) Syria
b) Assyria
c) Egypt
d) Canaan
6. In what country did Jacob's son Joseph die? (Genesis 50:26)

7. Surprisingly, God once "sought to kill" this famous patriarch.(Exodus 4:24)
a) Abram
b) Joseph, son of Jacob
c) Moses
d) David
8. How did Samson die? (Judges 16:23-30)
a) by deliberately collapsing a temple on top of himself and his enemies
b) by drowning
c) by a spear thrust through his breast after the Philistines had cut his hair
d) of old age
9. Before he departed the earth, Elijah the prophet offered to grant his successor Elisha one request. what did Elisha ask for? (2 Kings 2:9-12)
a) wisdom
b) the power to foresee the future
c) the power to heal

d) a double portion of Elijah's spirit
10. To what early leader of His people did God offer a choice of three punishments for sin?
(2 Samuel 24:1-16)
a) Moses
b) Joshua
c) Saul
d) David

A quick update on Neita (my friend who was in the hospital): I want to thank you all for your well wishes for my friend and for the prayers which you have been saying for her. Neita is now out of the hospital, but is in the nursing home for the purpose of rehab and healing. The doctor tells her she will be there for at least 6 to eight weeks, so all continued prayers are appreciated.
Good Night to All and May God Bless!

i love your post! thanks for sharing... God bless you...
like the trivia questions
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