How many of us have said over and over again, "I want to have a closer walk with God . I need to be closer to God". So, we pray, and we read, we pray some more and we read. The thing is, that is not enough. In "40 Ways To Get Closer to God", written by Jerry MacGregor with Keri Wyatt Kent the authors give us a lesson in practicality. I received this complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishing for my review.
I was one of those people. I was always "saying" I want to get closer to God, so I was faithful to read His Word. I was told that He loves it when we pray the scriptures, so I started memorizing scriptures to pray back to Him. Yes, I felt a bit closer to him, but it was not a "rich closeness". I always felt there was something more. Something I was missing.
Then I got this little book. Mr. MacGregor lays this book out in such as simple, wonderful format, that I can't wait to put it into practice. He provides an idea, such as "Keep It Simple. Simplicity is an acquired taste. Mankind, left free, instinctively complicates life. --Katherine F. Gerould
Then He talks about it some and gives an example by discussing how we complicate our lives by weighing ourselves down with burdens and obligations that tend to overwhelm our lives. The example he was using was originally penned by Thomas Kelly in 1941 who complained that the age of "radio and auto," more than half a century ago, had sped up his life to one far faster-paced than his grandparents'.
The main point he was getting across was the need to simplify. He explains that in this sense, simplify had nothing to do with things, or organization, but focus. Jesus said "See ye first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."
After a few more explanatory paragraphs, the author issues us a Challenge for the day. In this case, he says, "on a day when you don't have to go to work, take a 24-hour-fast from media and electronics. (This takes away the excuse of "needing to be on the Internet or e-mail for work.)
This is your chance to unplug--to experience real things instead of virtual ones, to connect with people face-to-face instead of through Facebook and Twitter. It also included the TV so you can enjoy your evening meal with friends or family and actually talk to them.
It goes on a little further with the challenge, and at the end, it says "Check here when you have completed today's God Challenge, and has a place on the page for notes. (Which I think is awesome.) I have so many papers that I have taken notes on while reading and now I don't even remember why I wrote the notes in the first place. This way Mr. MacGregor provides it all in one place.
It is divided into days, with different authors sayings such as C.S. Lewis, David Benner, and many others, but Mr MacGregor is responsible for the "meat of the lesson or text".
I like it because they are short, 2 pages front and back at the most including the challenge and notes.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is wanting a practical way to get closer to God. Don't misunderstand me. This DOES NOT take the place of prayer, talking to God or Reading His Word. It is a way to put what you learn, what you have read in His Word into action.
I look forward to getting involved in this book, not just reading it. I look forward to seeing the changes it makes in my life.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jerry MacGregor has written more than two dozen books, including two that hit #1 on the bestseller lists in their category. He earned his Master's degree from Talbot Theological Seminary, did doctoral work at the University of Oregon, and spent time studying at Oxford University. A longtime publishing insider, Jerry lives with his wife on the Oregon coast.
This is what he has to say about his book: Dare to Turn Faith Into Action
would you like to be closer to God? Sometimes it's not enough to just take in more information about the Christian life. When your faith is dry, you want something to do--practical steps to get your heart in the right place.
"40 Ways to Get Closer to God" is a day-by-day action plan that will stretch your faith. Each chapter asks you to complete a unique and enjoyable challenge that was carefully designed to bring new energy to your walk with God. You can use this book as a 40-day journey or choose individual exercises in areas where you most need to grow. Either way, you will come away transformed.
Good Night to All and May God Bless!

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