Good Evening to All!

1. Four river branches watered the Garden of Eden. Name two of them. (Genesis 2:10-14)
2. God put Adam in the Garden on Eden for this specific purpose. (Genesis 2:15)
a) for protection from outside dangers
b) to tend the garden
c) to label all the plant and animal species
d) for pure enjoyment
3. When He placed Adam in the garden, the Lord gave him a command and a warning concerning_________________. (Genesis 2:16-17)
a) the Sabbath
b) poisonous snakes
c) food
d) strong drink
4. What was the forbidden tree? (Genesis 2:17)
a) tree of darkness and despair
b) tree of knowledge of good and evil
c) tree of light
d) tree of death
5. Why did God put Adam into a deep sleep? (Genesis 2:21-22)
6. God walked through His garden at what time of day? (Genesis 3:8)
7. Angered at Adam and Eve's disobedience, God cursed ___________. (Genesis 3:17)
a) Adam and Eve
b) the sun
c) the ground
d) all creation
8. Before the fall, what did Adam and Eve use to make their clothing? (Genesis 2:25)
a) fig leaves
b) animal hides
c) a type of garment believed to have been woven of cotton
d) nothing
9. When He banished Adam and Eve from the garden, how did God clothe them?
(Genesis 3:21)
a) with fig leaves
b) with cott0n fibers sewn by the angel Michael
c) with animal skins coats
d) He didn't: He sent them away naked and they made their own clothes.
10. In sealing the Garden of Eden after expelling Adam and Eve, what was God's objective? (Genesis 3:24)
a) to protect the wildlife therein from sinful humans
b) to thwart human access to the tree of life
c) to preserve the garden as an unblemished monument to His work
d) to protect Adam and Eve and their descendants from the serpent

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