Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bible Challenge - SIGNS AND OMENS" Part 1

Good Evening to All!

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1. After sending a dove from the ark the third time, Noah knew the flood had receded enough to expose dry land because: (Genesis 8:12)

a) the dove returned and signaled the news
b) the dove's mate subsequently flew out to meet the dove
c) the dove did not return to the ark
d) the dove returned with a twig in its beak

2. God promised Noah He never again would destroy the earth with a flood. What sign did He show as a remembrance of this promise? (Genesis 9:12-14)

a) creation of the River Jordan to always carry away His wrath

b) creation of the Sea of Galilee to always contain His wrath
c) creation of a red sky at dawn
d) creation of a rainbow in the clouds

3. By what sign did Abraham's servant know Rebekah was chosen by the Lord to be Isaac's wife? (Genesis 24:12-20)

4. What was it about the famous burning bush that attracted Moses' attention?
(Exodus 3:2-3)

5. To make sure God wanted him to lead the Israelites in battle, Gideon asked the Lord to show him signs involving___________. (Judges5:36-40)

a) wool on a threshing floor
b) a burning bush
c) unseen trumpets sounding from a hilltop
d) a river of blood

6. In the midst of a merry banquet, this Babylonian king froze in horror as mysterious handwriting appeared on the palace wall. Before the next sunrise, he was dead-just as the writing predicted. Who was the king? (Daniel 5)

a) Nebuchadnezzar
b) Belshazzar
c) Darius

d) the King of the North

7. The sign by which the shepherds would recognize the baby Jesus as Christ, an angel told them, would be ____________. (Luke 2:12)

a) the star of Bethlehem
b) a halo
c) a voice from a cloud
d) the manger scene

8. Red sky in the morning means foul weather: red sky in the evening means fair
weather. Who made this observation in Matthew 16? (Matthew 16:2-3)

a) Matthew
b) Peter
c) the centurion
d) Jesus

9. The signal by which Judas identified Jesus to the mob at Gethsemane was a _______________. (Matthew 26:47-49)

a) waved lantern
b) greeting with his upraised left hand

c) kiss
d) greeting with the words "Hail Master!"

10. Immediately after Jesus died on the cross, which of the following did NOT occur? (Matthew 27:50-53)

a) the temple veil was torn in half
b) the earth shook
c) a comet temporarily blinded the Roman executioners
d) dead saints emerged from their tombs.

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Good Night to All and May God Bless!

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