Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bible Challenge - "TOWN AND COUNTRY" Part 2

Good Evening to All!

Just so you know, I will be going on vacation for a week. I will try to post from my laptop while I am gone, but hopefully I will be catching so many fish I won't have time to post, LOL. Anyway, if possible, I will post while on our trip. If not I will continue next Monday.

As you can see by my Facebook page, I am still having problems uploading the pictures to my blog before I publish it. It continually says "saving" but does not save. I am hoping it will be better on my laptop, but then again, if that's the case it would mean it has something to do with my computer, so I don't know if that is a good idea or not.

Now, On with the Challenge.

1. Cain built a city and named it_________________. (Genesis 4:17)

a) Enoch
b) Gad
c) Beersheba
d) Cana

2. The "Oak of Weeping" which overlooked the grave of Rebekah's nurse, was at______________. (Genesis 35:8)

a) Bethel
b) Padanaram
c) Gibeon
d) Beersheba

3. What was the significance of the field of Machpelah? (Genesis 49:28-33)

a) it's where Cain slew Abel
b) it's where Isaac met Rebekah
c) it's where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their wives were buried
d) it's where Jacob built an altar after wrestling with God

4. Where did Hannah commit her son Samuel to the Lord? bold;">(1 Samuel 1:24-28)

a) Jericho
b) the River Jordan
c) Mount Carmel
d) Shiloh

5. In what town in Galilee did Jesus live during his ministry? (Matthew 4:12-13)

a) Gergesa
b) Magdala
c) Bethsaida
d) Capernaum

6. Jesus encountered blind Bartimaeus on the road outside _________. (Mark 10:46)

a) Nazareth
b) Jericho
c) Cana
d) Gadera

7. What was the hometown of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha? bold;"> (John 11:1)

a) Nazareth
b) Jerusalem
c) Bethany
d) Capernaum

8. Where did the Pentecost occur? (Acts 2:1-13)

a) Cana
b) Jerusalem
c) Nain
d) Philadelphia

9) What was the significance of Philadelphia in the New Testament?
(Revelation 1:11, 2:7:13)

a) the birthplace of Paul
b) a city where Paul made his headquarters for seven years
c) a city Paul condemned
d) one of the seven churches with which God communicated in Revelation

10. Revelation was inspired on which Mediterranean island? (Revelation 1:9)

a) Crete
b) Cyprus
c) Patmos
d) Sicily

Good Night to All and May God Bless,


Rob said...


I hope you are enjoying your vacation.. Lord bless you.. It is well deserved. Be safe.

carol l mckenna said...

Just stopped by to say hi ~ awesome blog ~ Wow ~ look at you sophisticated blogger ~ keep praying for me to heal (been sick for 3 weeks with cold and energy is real low ) thanks, namaste, ^_^

Praying for Our Nation said...

Wow! I love the Bible challenge. I would love for you and your family and friends to join us in "30 Days of Prayer for Our Nation." It is a time to unite in prayer leading up to the 2012 elections. I will be using the prayer guide to teach me kids the importance of prayer for our nation and its leaders.

bluecottonmemory said...

Enjoy your vacation - and catch LOTS of fish!! Praying your find much blessing!

I think I might do this with your boys this summer. I so enjoy it!