Good Evening to All!
I've been wondering if anyone was ready to have a little Bible Trivia Quiz, so I decided to give one!
1. What body of water was the first victim of the plague in Egypt? ( Exodus 7:7-15)
2. What river did the Israelites cross when they entered Canaan? (Joshua 1:1-2)
3. What are the four rivers connected with the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 2:10-14)

4. According to the Song of Solomon, what is so powerful that rivers cannot quench it? (Solomon 8:7)
5. Who lived by Kerith Brook? (1 Kings 17:1-4)
6. Who proclaimed a fast at the river Ahava? (Ezra 8:21)
7. Who had a dream about cows standing by the riverside? (Genesis 41:3)
8. Who spoke of a river flowing with honey? (Job 20:17)

9. According to God's covenant with Abraham, how far did Abraham's land extend? (Genesis 15:18)
10. Who ordered the casting of the Israelite boys into the river? (Exodus 1:22)
1. Who lived in a cave with his daughters after Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? (Genesis 19:30)
2. Who trapped five Canaanite kings in the cave where they were hiding? (Joshua 10:16-27)

3. What friend of Jesus was buried in a cave? (John 11:38)
4. What prophet, fleeing from Jezebel, hid in a cave? (1 Kings 19:9)
5. In the time of the judges, what tribe did the Israelites hid from in caves? (Judges 6:2)
6. What hero hid in caves to avoid the wrath of Saul? (1 Samuel 22:21-2; 23:14, 29)
7. Who hid a hundred prophets in a cave when Jezebel was trying to kill them? (1 Kings 18:4)
8. In Saul's time, what marauding people drove the Israelites into caves? (1 Samuel 13:5-7)
9. Who was buried in the cave of Machpelah? (Genesis 23:19; 25:9; 35:29; 49:30-31)
10. Who hid in a cave while God passed by? (Exodus 33:21-23)
I hope that you did well on these quizzes as well as maybe recalling the scriptures when you looked them up, and maybe even read a little more than just the exact answer.
Have a wonderful night and May God Bless!

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