Evening To All!
I have just been reading a book titled "GO" by Preston Sprinkle. It was sent to me by NavPress, a Division of Tyndale Publishing for my review. This will be my honest opinion which has not been compensated by any means other than this complimentary copy of the book for review.
The title of this book peeked my curiosity. Two little letters.... G O.
At first, I thought it was going to be an "instructional book" on how to "go" out and witness to others. It was far from it. It was a wake up call to me. It took a while for me to really get interested in it, but once I realized how close to home it hit, my eyes opened wide. It showed me that there is much more to being a "disciple "of Christ than sitting on a pew and every once in a while telling someone how Jesus loves them, and that they need to be saved to get to heaven.
I'm the one who sits on the pew and listens to God's message intently. I go up to the altar and pray that He would find some use for me. I'm good at telling others that we as Christians are suppose to "go out into the world and tell others about the Wonderful News, that Jesus loves them and He died so that they (we) could be saved and spend eternity with Him.
I have since understood that anyone can attend church and sit on a pew. Nowadays, so many churches are being used as a "social club". Yes, people come to hear a sermon, but they are more interested in the social aspect of it, and being able to say "I go to church, so I'm a Christian". We really need to do some soul searching. What are we truly there for ? What do we "Expect" to get from the service? Yes, God tells us to come with expectations.
Now, lets see if I can get back on track and tell you what this book helped me realize. First and foremost it made me look at myself. I don't know how to approach people unless I am friends with them and we get into a normal conversation, then I feel comfortable enough to expand on the message of Jesus, therefore I don't feel that I am a good witness, let alone a disciple.
During my reading, I find that while Bible Studies, Sunday School, and such are essential to discipleship, it is incomplete without mission. Mission is central to discipleship. Unfortunately, "mission" is not often included in the Church's purpose. They want to focus on teaching and learning, or on Christians socializing with other Christians. Yes, this is all good, but mission is the most important. People are hungry to do outreach such as confronting poverty, fighting injustice, just doing good for their community in a meaningful capacity. This is an integral part of discipleship.
To be a good disciple, I need to study God's Word, to live God's Word. I need to envelop myself in it and believe it with all my heart. ( I thought I did, but after examining myself, I have a lot of work to do.
Of Course, the book went into greater detail, and I would definitely recommend this book for anyone who is serious about doing more and getting serious about their walk with God. "GO" be a disciple.
Have a Wonderful Night and May God Bless!

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