Good Evening to All!
“He moves mountains without their knowing it and overturns them in his anger. (8) He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea. (9) He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. (10) He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” (Job 9:5, 8-10)
I have never understood why it seems to be that we humans make something that is so easy, so difficult. Why is it that so many of us believe in birthday wishes, wishing on a star for something we want or need, and throwing salt over our shoulders for “good luck”. We do this, yet we have a hard time understanding that all we have to do is trust in God and He can make things happen. We believe in all of the nonsense just mentioned, yet just because we cannot reach out and physically touch God, we put our own limitations on Him.
What we are doing when we do this is setting ourselves up to fail, or at least take the most difficult route to accomplish things. We tend to reduce God and put Him in a little box telling ourselves He can’t help me, it’s impossible. No one can. We forget when we are in the midst of our dilemma that God takes the IMPOSSIBLE and makes it POSSIBLE, but ONLY if we allow Him to do so. I have to remind us that when we allow Him to handle our problems, our needs and our situations, it is called FAITH that we show in Him. The more faith we show, the more we will gain, and that is truly when we can say we have an intimate relationship with our God.
1As our human nature cries out to control what we don’t understand,
this feat becomes impossible. For the God who has created all that we see, hear, touch taste and smell has been there and done that.
2When we accept this, our own importance seems diminished.
Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? (9) Remember that you molded me like clay. will you now turn me to dust again? (12) You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.” (Job 10:8-9, 12)
I remember thinking when I was small that my mom was the smartest woman in the world and could do anything and make EVERYTHING better no matter what it was. Unfortunately, I found out she was human and didn’t have supernatural powers so sometimes she couldn’t make my hurt go away, she couldn’t heal me and make my chicken pox go away, all she could do was what was humanly possible and throw some love in with it.
I have seen Him heal, I have seen unexplainable finances show up from places they shouldn’t. I have seen changes in people who I never thought could change. GOD WORKS MIRACLES, and I have seen them first hand, yet I still put my l little limitations on Him. “He does it for other people but my problems too difficult.” How dumb does that sound? Pretty dumb. Well, it’s time to get off my soap box for now. I used a devotional book that I inherited from my best friend who past away as my inspiration, It’s title is
(1-2) “Daily Wisdom for Women” by Carol Fitzpatrick.
Good Night to All and May God Bless!
WOW! you are so right... "Why is it that so many of us believe in birthday wishes, wishing on a star for something we want or need, and throwing salt over our shoulders for “good luck”. We do this, yet we have a hard time understanding that all we have to do is trust in God and He can make things happen. We believe in all of the nonsense just mentioned, yet just because we cannot reach out and physically touch God, we put our own limitations on Him. "
very well said. May we all learn to trust our Lord and turn from all the fleshly rituals and traditions that are of no value to any of us.
I left another comment on my blog for you about how to find pictures more quickly. (just in case you have never used "images" on the search engines.)
Lord bless you PJ.
I enjoy reading your posts. But, at times I do not realize that you've put something out so I may be late several days until I find out that you hve put something out. Thats why it really helps me to know you've been online with a comment from you. I basically, visit your blog when I see your comments cause I know you've been online. All I can tell you is keep on doing what the Lord has placed on your heart. It is a blessing ot others and the Lord will bless you for your faithfulness.
Lord bless you my friend! Rob
Dear PJ,
With my wife ill in hospital, and the doctors unable to diagnose the cause of her problem, this is a very encouraging article.
God bless,
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