Good Evening to All!
As I prepared the answers for the Bible Quiz, I couldn’t help but feel a pull to elaborate on that subject. Therefore, this is the subject of my post as well.
Now, according to my Hayford’s Bible Handbook, it gives this definition for dreams. A dream is a vision in the night. The root of this noun is the verb chalam, “to dream.” Dreams of various types are mentioned in Scripture, ranging from the product of one’s imagination to the vehicle of God’s communication with a person (compare Ecclesiastes 5;3 and Genesis 20:6; see also false dreams,” Jeremiah 23:32). Many biblical figures such as Jacob, Laban, Pharaoh, Solomon, and Nebuchadnezzar, are known for having dreams (see 1 Kings 3:5; Daniel 2:1). Joseph and Daniel are the dream champions of dream revelation; each not only received his own dreams but also interpreted the dreams of others.
The Eastern people, and in particular the Jews had a very great regard for dreams. They observed them, and applied to those who professed to explain them. We see this ancient custom among the Egyptians, in the history of Pharaoh’s butler and baker, and in Pharaoh, himself.
Joel 2:28 states: “And it shall come to pass that will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
This was a prophecy, brought forward into the New Testament. According to the Bible, God’s Word is settled in heaven. In other words it does not change. He does not change, nor does His mind. Everything God had for us back then, He has for us now. The Old Testament was to lead us into the New Testament. Therefore, what they did back then, we can do now.
Not only that, but I truly believe that many of us hear from God, we just are too “busy” to listen, or doubt that it’s Him. I know that from experience. I will hear Him speaking to my heart, yet I will second guess it. “Is that just me thinking that, or is it truly God? Why would He want Me to do that? He ought to know I’m not equipped with that kind of knowledge.”
Well, I have a very intelligent word for myself on that matter, “DUH!” He knows what I am and am not equipped to do. He will equip me to do anything He wants me to do. Not only that, but as far as dreams and visions go, He doesn’t use the “important”or scholars for all His work. He uses people just like you and me.
We are just as important to growing His kingdom and spreading His Word as the Scholar, or theologian. We matter. We are important to Him.
Listen to your dreams. Pray about them. Let Him talk to you about them. Let Him use you in whatever manner He chooses.
As you can see there are many of them listed for the Old Testament, and some in the New.
The answers to the Bible Quiz “Dreamers” are as follows:
1. Jacob (Gen.28:12) ..
2. Pharaoh (Gen. 41)
3. The magi (wise men) ( Matt. 2:12)
4. Joseph’s (Gen. 37:5)
5. Paul (Acts 16:9)
6. Solomon (1 Kings 3:5)
7. Daniel ( Dan. 2)
8 Joseph (Matthew 1:20)
9. Peter .(Acts 10:3-6)
10. Pentecost (Joel 2:28) (Acts 2)
11. Daniel (Daniel 7)
12. Pilate (Matthew 27:19)
13. Saul (Paul) (Acts 9:10-16)
14. Joseph ((Gen. 40)
15. Gideon (Judges 7:13)
16. Ezekiel (Ezek. 43)
17. Psalms ..(Psalms 126:1)
18. Peter ( Acts 10:9-16)
I hope you did well. If you had to use the scripture reference, I also hope that you were able to take the time to maybe read a little bit more than just the answers to the questions. God’s scriptures are like nuggets of gold, with one difference. They will never lose their value.
Have a Wonderful Evening and May God Bless!
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