Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mary and Martha

Vermeer <span class=Image by jimforest via Flickr

Mary or Martha, which one are you?

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Luke 10:41-42

KJV: And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. Luke 10:41-42

It is so sad that we ( the human race) repeat and repeat history. We still make the same mistakes they did even in biblical times. We still tend to worry about the "unimportant" worldly things too much.

I guess I will never earn the "best hostess or daughter-in-law award as long as I live. My outlook is if someone comes to "visit my house", they can turn around and leave. If they come to visit me, then don't worry about what my house looks like. I don't have a "dirty" house, but it is definitely cluttered and lived in. It's a small house so even if I clean it well, it still looks unkempt because I have no storage space. Not only that, but I clean houses for extra money and by the time I get home, I don't have much energy to do anything to mine. OK, back on track. Martha kind of reminds me of someone I know that used to be a "Martha". They were very critical of my housekeeping to the point that when they would come over they would start straightening up my house or making comments. I finally got tired of the remarks and told them if they came to visit my house they could leave. She has since mellowed out quite a bit. I'm not saying that we shouldn't care about clean clothes, clean house, and so on, but it should never cause neglect of our family time, or time with the LORD. After all , it is GOD FIRST, FAMILY SECOND, AND EVERYTHING ELSE LAST.

This can also be aimed toward earning a living. I have heard the cliche' "I'm working non-stop so that "you" can have everything you want, or everything I didn't have.....etc. HOGWASH! The majority of the time kids and wives would much prefer the father Or mother's time than money or material things. Teen-agers would like to have you think differently, but basically they do feel that way also. Moral of this story, BE A MARY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Take notice of the important things in life. (money is less important than we make it out to be in comparison to God and family as an example).

Do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or4 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'...But seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:31, 33

I didn't include the KJV of these last verses because they basically are the same.

I think verse 31 would be one of the hardest commands of Jesus to fulfill. Not to worry about having enough to eat, drink or having clothes on our backs is something we all worry about. It is not human nature to say, "I don't have to worry, God's got my back. He will make sure I have plenty to eat, drink and wear. It's especially hard when we can look around and see hunger and thirst all over the world, even here in the richest country in the world. Clothing is not as detrimental but still needed. Verse 30 helps to put it into perspective, but unless a person is very familiar with the Bible, they probably wouldn't know these verses.

Verse 33 which tells us to seek first the kingdom of God, is a verse which needs to be quotes and Prayed every day. To quote an old cliche' no matter how true, "out of site, out of mind, so we need to make a conscious effort to find some verses in the Bible that we pray to ourselves every day and get into our hearts. This way, He will never be out of our minds or hearts. May I make a challenge? I wish everyone who reads this post would find one verse to recite everyday for a week and get it into their mind. Next Wednesday, leave a comment on my post with the Bible verse which you have gotten into your heart. Look up another verse and do it again. The following Wednesday, comment with both verses. Continue to do this for a month. that will only be 4 verses learned, but what I'm hoping is that it will develop a habit of learning a scripture a week. I hope you will join me. I will quote mine at the top of my post every Wednesday night. If this works right, the first week you will have a comment of one verse, the second 2 verses, the third week 3 verses and the 4th week, 4 verses on the one comment. I look forward to seeing the scriptures y'all pick out.

Please don't forget to check out my Book Give-Away! Standard requirement apply, Comment about Give-Away, and /or follow on Google, Facebook, and Twitter. (1 entry for each). Just click on the link and check it out.
Good Night to All ! May God Bless!



Anonymous said...

Hi PJ!

I am a work in progress, a Martha-to-Mary woman. It is hard to break behavior instilled since a child, but I am learning to not let "what needs to be done" stress me out if it is undone. Yes, I love a clean kitchen (which cleaning is not my gifted area), but, you know, those dishes can wait. I recently resigned from a job because it started encroaching on my weekends and my time from 3 to 2 a.m. I had to be a Mary to do that - I had to put God, husband, family first! I cannot explain the peace I have! I love posts like this that get you thinking!

Be blessed PJ!

Anonymous said...

Hi PJ!

I am a work in progress, a Martha-to-Mary woman. It is hard to break behavior instilled since a child, but I am learning to not let "what needs to be done" stress me out if it is undone. Yes, I love a clean kitchen (which cleaning is not my gifted area), but, you know, those dishes can wait. I recently resigned from a job because it started encroaching on my weekends and my time from 3 to 2 a.m. I had to be a Mary to do that - I had to put God, husband, family first! I cannot explain the peace I have! I love posts like this that get you thinking!

Be blessed PJ!

Anonymous said...

Hi PJ!

I am a work in progress, a Martha-to-Mary woman. It is hard to break behavior instilled since a child, but I am learning to not let "what needs to be done" stress me out if it is undone. Yes, I love a clean kitchen (which cleaning is not my gifted area), but, you know, those dishes can wait. I recently resigned from a job because it started encroaching on my weekends and my time from 3 to 2 a.m. I had to be a Mary to do that - I had to put God, husband, family first! I cannot explain the peace I have! I love posts like this that get you thinking!

Be blessed PJ!

Anonymous said...

Hi PJ!

I am a work in progress, a Martha-to-Mary woman. It is hard to break behavior instilled since a child, but I am learning to not let "what needs to be done" stress me out if it is undone. Yes, I love a clean kitchen (which cleaning is not my gifted area), but, you know, those dishes can wait. I recently resigned from a job because it started encroaching on my weekends and my time from 3 to 2 a.m. I had to be a Mary to do that - I had to put God, husband, family first! I cannot explain the peace I have! I love posts like this that get you thinking!

Be blessed PJ!