The answers to the Blog Challenge "What's In a Name" are as follows:
1. a) Father of a Great Multitude (Genesis 17:5)
2. d) God would add to her another son. (Genesis 30:24)
3. b) fought Him (Genesis 32:24-28)
4. a) stranger (Exodus 2:22)

5. c) Moses (Exodus 3:13-14)
6. c) Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes 1:1)
7. Solomon (Ecclesiastes 1:1)
8. a) John (Luke 1:63-64)
9. c) rock (John 1:42)
10. Golgotha, where Jesus died on the cross (Matthew 27:33)
DEVOTIONAL: A Spiritual Force

How could one have chased a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had delivered them up? (Deuteronomy 32:30)
As I have already shared, God answers prayers of agreement when the people who are praying are already expressing agreement in their everyday lives. He so appreciates those who pay the price to live in agreement, unity, and harmony, that He says to them, essentially, "when you get together like that, My power is released among you. The power of your agreement is so dynamic that you're going to break through--no doubt about it, I'll do it."
You see, agreement is so powerful that it is a principle of multiplication, not addition. that is why the verse for tonight says that one person can put a thousand to flight and two, ten thousand. If agreement were based on addition, one would put a thousand to flight and two would put two thousand, but unity commands God's blessing--and God's blessing brings multiplicati

When we are divided, we become weak and when we are united, we are strong. Surely the power that is available to us is worth the effort it takes to maintain unity and harmony. No matter what anyone else does or doesn't do, you do your part and God will bless you.
God's Word For You Tonight: You cannot make everyone be agreeable, but you can refuse to let them upset you.
I have looked this verse up in several versions and they pretty much all say the same. Finally when I looked it up in my NKJV Reference Bible, it explained it this way:
How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, Unless their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had surrendered them?
Reference: "Unless their Rock has sold them: God's protection of His people was so certain that their conquest by enemies could occur only if it were He who gave them over.
In Matthew 18:19-20, Jesus states, "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."
Now I'll be honest with you. Joyce is a fantastic preacher. I however, am not a preacher at all. Just a lover of God and His word. I don't see where it says that if we don't get along with each other in our daily lives, that we can't still agree on a certain point or need. I may not care for some one's actions and be upset with them, yet if a need arises and someone is in need of prayer I can still come into agreement about this specific need.

Although, I believe God just opened my eyes a little bit. He brought into remembrance the scripture about before you pray or come to the altar, if you have anything against your "brother" go and talk it out. Ask for forgiveness, and also forgive him/her. Then come back to the altar, repent and then pray. So, I understand now. you must not be angry or upset with anyone when you pray if you want your prayers to be heard. I guess maybe that's what Joyce was saying when she said we must be in harmony and agreement in our daily lives for our prayers to be heard. That was so neat the way that happened. I had my opinion all set and what I was going to say was on the tips of my fingers. Well, that's why I left the above paragraph, to show how God can work on a person, even in the spur of a moment.
Another scripture keeps coming to mind. "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
With Him watching over us, no power can come against us and prevail.
Thank you God for setting me straight and opening up my understanding and my eyes.
Good night and May God Bless!

you kid yourself if you think your not a preacher.....lol preach on sister lady preach on
That's powerful if put use God bless
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