Do you not discern and understand that you ...are God's temple (His sanctuary), and that God's Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16)
It truly amazes me when I thinking about what a blessing the Holy Spirit is to me. He teaches me, He nudges me to make the right decisions for my life, (whether I acknowledge those nudges is up to me). If I am smart I will. He gives us the power

This thought should be on our minds constantly until it becomes second nature to us to automatically ask God what He wants for us and from us. We should be listening to that inner voice at all times. If we would do this, we would never be helpless, hopeless, or powerless. The Holy Spirit or Jesus dwelling inside of us promises to be with us, to speak to us , give us strength and empower us. We will never be without our "friend who sticks "closer than a brother", or without His direction. He promises us that He will lead us and go with us in ever thing we do.
As long as we listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance we will always be ok. If we stray and start listening to our flesh or our own decisions that is when things will start to go awry.

This is not to say that Satan won't try and deceive you, but that is where studying God's Word and prayer come into play. We must all keep our guard up and know what is in God's Word, because the devil will twist things around, just like he did on Eve. What he said "sounded" right to her, but Satan had twisted around what God had said just enough to make her think he was repeating what was said but you know what happened. We must not let that happen to us. we must know God's Word well enough to be able to tell if someone is twisting it around or not.
My brain seems to be working over-time on this topic, but what it is wanting me to say, I feel is not my place. I am not anyone's Pastor or preacher. It's just that as for the verse above there is more to it, speaking of defiling the temple, so I think I will leave that portion of the scripture up to the Pastors and preachers and stick to the "inspirational part" of listening to the Holy Spirit.
I know this post seems "short and sweet", but what I had originally planned for tonight's post fell through because I can't figure out how to copy an e-mail to my blog. Anyway, I will find out by Thursday and hopefully be able to post it. It is a VERY INFORMATIVE Subject.
Good Night to All and May God Bless!

1 comment:
When you say...
"This is not to say that Satan won't try and deceive you, but that is where studying God's Word and prayer come into play. We must all keep our guard up and know what is in God's Word, because the devil will twist things around, just like he did on Eve."
You are exactly right. By understanding how Satan works, we can be on guard and not allow him to trip us up.
It constantly amazes me how little a typical Christian knows about how Satan works.
I think a great study would be to look at several Biblical examples of Satan working in the lives of the Lord's servants. Hmmm... you might have given me an idea for my blog! (hahahaha)
2Cor 2:11 (KJV)
11Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Thanks for the warning, may the Lord richly bless you.
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