Good Evening to All!
The Answers to the Bible Challenge "Dreams & Visions" are as follows:
1. d) a dead man (Genesis 20:3)
2. a) Bethel (Genesis 28:10-19)
3. Joseph's (Genesis 27:5-24)
4. c) the lean cows ate the fat cows (Genesis41:1-4)
5. d) divers vanities (Ecclesiastes 5:7)
6. b) Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1)
7. b) King Nebuchadnezzar's (Daniel 2, 4)
8. a) numbered, weighed, divided (Daniel 5:25-28)
9. d) Pilate's wife (Matthew 27:19)
10. a) animals (Acts 10:9-16)
(7) If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you

If I may, I would like to dwell on this scripture for a little bit. I'm getting this scripture from a chapter in my Bible labeled "The Relationship of Believers to Christ". Now, I have always been told, "never take one scripture by itself. be sure to read the passage above and below to make sure you receive it in the right context. So...verse (6) says: If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. (8) By this, My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
I know you have seen me use this scripture over and over again. This is because I feel like I cannot stress enough that "just being a good person" or even just "following the 10 Commandments will NOT save you.
Being saved is a life long journey of loving God enough to study His Word, pray and talk with Him as you would anyone you are wanting to get to know and develop a relationship with. Like any relationship, it takes nurturing. It's not going to church once or twice a week, sitting on a pew and once leaving the church, leaving God there too. Loving God has to become a lifestyle. For example, in a verse in the Bible, it talks about how if a couple is married in which the woman is saved but the man is not, the man might be saved by her "conversation". In this context, the word conversation means lifestyle. In other words by her example. If she continues to live for God and do what God wants her to do, eventually the man may come around and start living for God and become saved also. This is what I mean by living for God must be a lifestyle.

The goal of every true believer is to be "one" with God. This happens spiritually when we are born again of the water and of the Spirit. When we are baptized in the Name of Jesus, we are immersed under water to symbolize the complete washing away or cleansing of our sins, and are buried with Jesus Christ. When we come up out of the water, the "old person" has "died out and a new "creature" is born. This does not happen over night. So don't think just because you have been baptized that you will never sin. It means that now you will have help inside you to keep from doing the unwanted things you used to do in your "old life". This change occurs in the mind, will, and emotions are we continue to grow and mature in Him. The more mature we become in Him and the closer to Him we become, the more our will and desires change to mirror His. Therefore, returning to the verse ask what we desire and He will do it, because it will also be His will.
To abide with means to remain, continue, to stay, or to dwell. Therefore, this verse is actually saying if you will remain, continue and stay with Me and My words remain, continue and stay in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. What I am trying to say is that Being saved is not a simple act of saying I believe in God, or just "being a good person", or even saying "I believe that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior". These are just words, unless action is put behind them.

As we come closer to this Christmas Holiday, I hope that people will become more serious about their relationship with God, and why He came to earth as a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. He came for a purpose. He came to save us, but we must do something in return for Him. That is to LOVE HIM, and LIVE FOR HIM. That is the BEST Christmas gift you could give Our Lord, and yourself. A transformation of a lifestyle. Become closer and more serious about your relationship with God.
I read a cute little "snippet" in Joyce Meyer's book today. "Hang out" with God today; He's a great companion.
Ref. Hearing from god Each Morning" by Joyce Meyer
Good Night to All and May God Bless!

1 comment:
what you said is so true... "What I am trying to say is that Being saved is not a simple act of saying I believe in God, or just "being a good person", or even saying "I believe that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior". These are just words, unless action is put behind them."
That's the exact principle of
Jas 2:20 (KJV)
20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
Our good works following our faith is proof that a true conversion has taken place.
If I say that I have faith, and yet my life never changes, that is proof that my faith is not a genuine saving work of God in my heart.
Great point... May the Lord bless you.
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