Good Morning to All!
Yes! That's right, I am actually typing this post in the A.M.! Very unusual for me. For about the 3rd time, I have tried to start this WONDERFUL Bible Study Book which I won a while back from Tammy Melton called "Loving God With All Five Senses". For some reason I kept getting side tracked and starting new projects, but I am determined to get it going this time.
The thing is, I think the reason I get side tracked is because I get so engrossed when I start really delving into God's Word reading the scriptures which she gives and answering the questions that she poses.
For example (I hope she doesn't mind me doing this), the first few questions for me were open and shut like ; Matthew 26:41 "What do we need to do so that we do not fall into temptation?" Well, I read the scripture and boom knew that we need to "watch and pray that we enter not into temptation". Well, that's a given.
Then she asks, " What part of us is willing?" "What part of us is weak?" , and so

OK, back on track. I got stumped of all things on the word "law". I have heard that word a million times in the Biblical sense since I was a child, but never really thought about what it was. I started searching for the definition so that I would know exactly what she was saying, and I wouldn't misrepresent it.
Galatians 5:16-17 says "This I say then,Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil

the lust of the flesh. (17) For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. (18) But if e be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
I did some research on this and according to Galatians 3:24 25 ; Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by faith.. (25) But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
This tells me that once Jesus came on the scene, He transcended the "law". His death and resurrection made it possible for us not to have to abide by old testament

law such as animal sacrifice and other things. Once we repent of our sins and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, we shall receive the Holy Spirit within us and put on Christ (His nature) such as the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) . Then we can be led by the Holy Spirit into all truths, and it will guide us and teach us to be "like Christ" in nature, to have His traits.
At this point let me say, many people have the misconception that just because they get baptized and receive the Holy Ghost or (Spirit) that they automatically change. No, we still have free will. The Holy Ghost will guide us IF WE LET HIM. He will nudge our spirits if we start to do something against God's will. He will convict our spirits and make us realize that this is not the way Christ would act or something He wouldn't do, but in the end WE are the 0nes who will have to stop ourselves and say no, I'm not going to do this. I am a "true" Christian and I want to act like one.
I have been talking a lot about the difference of the works of the flesh and the spirit, so let me elaborate about what each one is. The works of the flesh according to Galatians 5:19 (NIV) are sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery (lewdness-going beyond the proper bounds), (20) idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions (or strong disagreements), factions (21) and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you are I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Now, to live according to the Spirit which is the way God instructs us to live (with

Remember according to God, we cannot live by both, because they war against each other. To be in God's Will, we are to live by the Spirit (with the Holy Spirit leading us). Let me also say, if you haven't repented for your sins, (decided you want to live for God and turned away from the things you know are not of Him) been baptized in Jesus' name (Acts 2:38) and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, this is something that is imperative you do. For we know not the day or the hour when the trumpet shall and Christ shall come to take His bride up into heaven with him (paraphrased). Anyway, it's very important that this is done.
I know this was a lot to take in, but it is so important. We are steadily falling away from our true relationships with God. The Bible states that this will happen in the last days, and I can see it happening all around me. Things and practices which we are seeing now as "socially acceptable" that is direct contradiction to God's Word. Falling away from God, that's what the Bible calls it. If we are going to fall, we need to fall forward. Fall toward God, realize this isn't His way and ask for forgiveness and get back on track toward His love.
We go to church, we pray sometimes (when we have time and think about it) and we're even good people. We may give to charities, or help the homeless sometimes. Let me ask you, looking at the above fruits of the Spirit, how many traits do you project outwardly all the time? I know we fall short, that's human nature, but we must as Christians get up and continue on track. People are watching us. We are suppose to "let God's love and His light shine through us as examples to others at all times". I can't count the times I have heard someone say "look how that person is dressed ! You could use that skirt (or top) for a blindfold it's so skimpy and she calls herself a Christian! Did you hear the language that man was using? I wonder if he talks that way in church! We are being dissected by the world every time we walk out the door. Yes, they are being judgmental by saying these things, but we must also remember they may not know who the true God is, let alone have a relationship with Him. This is why we are suppose to be examples. To help the world see what being a true "down to the core, inside and out"Christian really is. Not just someone who takes on the "title" of being a Christian, but someone who walks the walk and talks the talk. Someone who lives and breathes our Savior.
We are All going to stand in front of our LORD on judgment day, I am longing to hear the words "WELL DONE, THY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT"come from my LORD. The only way this will happen is if I live by His Word and do my part for the Kingdom of Heaven in helping the World know what He is all about and what they need to know to be able to enter into eternity with Him.

I know I got off track of my original idea of what I was going to post, but the more I typed the more I felt God's presence and His words just came flooding into my heart and my mind, right down to my fingertips. I saw this picture and couldn't resist it. Jesus will not come into our hearts without an invitation. I send this heart out to all of you as we get closer to Valentine's day to let you know I love and care what happens to the people of this world. Whether I know you or not, I want to see you when we reach heaven, but to do that we must all unlock and open the door of our hearts so that the Holy Spirit may come in and lead us on the path to an Eternity with God.
God Bless You All,

1 comment:
Good job...very well communicated. You are doing great on your postings.
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