I got to thinking about this last night. I sometimes like to throw in colored type in my posts and it just dawned on me last night that they could be misconstrued as "links". Hopefully t

The Answers to yesterday's Bible Trivia Questions are as follows:
1. Pharaoh, at the time Joseph was in Egypt . (Genesis 40:20)
2. The one at the court of Persian ruler Ahasuerus; The winner was Esther. (Ester 2)
3. Stephen (Acts 6:7-8:2)
4. The dream of Abimelech, in which he was told to return Sarah to Abraham. (Genesis 20:3-8)
5. The war of the kings of the north, led by Chedorlaomer, king of Elam. ( Genesis 14)
6. Noah, who planted a vineyard after leaving the ark. ( Genesis 9:21)
7. In the temple at Jerusalem; it was a chest, ordered by King Joash, who had a hole bored in the lid to keep priests from stealing funds. (2 Kings 12)
8. Eutychus, who dozed off and fell out of a window during Paul's sermon. (Acts 20:9)
9. "Be fruitful and multiply". (Genesis 1:28)
10. Abraham bought the Cave of Machpelah as a tomb for Sarah. (Genesis 23:3-20)
11. Jeremiah's scroll, sent to King Jehoiakim, was burnt piece by piece as it was being read to the king. (Jeremiah 36:21-23)

12. Absalom led an attempt to overthrow his father, David. (2 Samuel 15-18)
13. Esther, whose real name was Hadassah. (Esther 2:7)
14: Cain (Genesis4:17)
15. Nimrod (Genesis 10:9)
16. Cain (Genesis 4:8)
17. Ruth
18. Abraham (Genesis 20:7)
19. Cana John 2:1-11)
20. The river turns to blood (Exodus 7:14-24)
Have you ever thought about the word "commitment"? Are you one of those people who think there are different levels of commitment? I mean, really think about it. One of the definitions of commitment is "the act of committing or pledging or

There are no variables here you are either committed or not. I have heard many times, the question, "how committed are you to this project, person, etc. That doesn't make since. Either you are or your not. In other words what this word says to me is "all or nothing".
I know you're probably wondering what is this crazy woman getting at. Well, we had a fantastic service this past Sunday at church. We had a wonderful and insightful Sunday School lesson and it carried right through into the Worship Service. I would like to tell you just SOME of what I learned.
C O M M I T M E N T: Hanging on when others have let go.
C O M M I T M E N T: Demands action. It cannot be divorced from responsibility.

There are many examples of committed people in the Bible, so let me name just a few.
1. Peter - was crucified and hung upside down .
2. Paul - was run out of town, beaten, stoned, starved, imprisoned, and eventually killed for his commitment to Christ.
3. Daniel- was thrown in the lion's den for his commitment to God.
Following Jesus - This commitment demands a choice.
To talk about Jesus is meaningless without a "walk with Him". In other words, if we are going to "talk the talk", then we need to "walk the walk". Otherwise people who are watching us will get the wrong impression of being a Christian. Not only that but we will have to account for our actions on judgment day.
Seven Signs to see if I'm (we) are Committed to God -These do not "help" you become committed, they are to check ourselves to see if we "ARE"committed to God.
1. Possess an extraordinary spirit ( the Holy Spirit). People will definitely notice there is something different about us in the way we talk, act, and carry ourselves. (Dan. 6:3)
2. No ground of accusation of evidence of corruption. (1 Tim. 3:2) Now I understand this verse is referenced in the context of a "bishop or elder of the church" . It also talks about being "blameless". Blameless in this sense according to the NKJV says that the idea of blameless is not that a person is sinless, but that he displays mature, consistent christian conduct that gives no reason for anyone to accuse them of anything.
3. Faithful. Can God trust me to do what He asks of me? (Dan. 6:4)
4. Live according to God's will. (Dan. 6:5) Be obedient to God's Word. Heb. 10:25, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4:12, Philippians 2:3-4, Mal. 3:10.
5. Pray continually, despite the consequences. (Dan 6:10) No one says we have to make a spectacle of ourselves and "show everyone how we pray". As a matter of fact, we aren't supposed to. what He is talking about is praying when we can, to ourself, and even having a prayerful spirit.
6. We are under God's hand of Protection. This is not to say that bad things will not happen, just that God will see us through them. (Dan. 6:22)
7. We affect others with our commitment. (Dan. 6:26-28)
Daniel's commitment won the King over and showed the power of God
1. Daniel - Changed a nation
2. Moses - Led the Israelites out of Egypt
3. Esther - Saved Her nation
I hope you will indulge me, Tomorrow, I would like to continue along this line and tell you about Sunday's Worship Service. The worship and the message were phenomenal.
A little humorous note to end on... pertaining to the subject of Prayer being taken out of school. "As long as there are 'tests' , there will be prayers in school!"
Good Night to All and May God Bless

Hi PJ,
I really appreciate your list of the seven signs of commitment to the Lord. It was good to compare them to my life and see if I am committed as I should be.
There was a saying about commitment that I have always liked...
"The difference between involvement and total commitment are clearly shown by a breakfast of eggs and ham..... the chicken is involved but the hog is totally committed!" Author - Unknown.
Thought you might like it.. May the Lord bless you.
Hi PJ,
I really appreciate your list of the seven signs of commitment to the Lord. It was good to compare them to my life and see if I am committed as I should be.
There was a saying about commitment that I have always liked...
"The difference between involvement and total commitment are clearly shown by a breakfast of eggs and ham..... the chicken is involved but the hog is totally committed!" Author - Unknown.
Thought you might like it.. May the Lord bless you.
I really love reading your blog! Thank you so much for reading mine and following me! It means so much. I am now officially following you..
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