Saturday, February 12, 2011


Good Evening to all!

Today's Seed: "The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart" the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes". Psalm 19:8


Martha Stewart often gives a hint for better living, which she calls good things. It is fun to listen to her and consider doing something unusual that would brighten our home or make us smile, but the really good thing of life is not a household hint; it is the Bible that sits on our table.

While "hints" are nice in guessing games, and suggestions are great when it comes to ideas, neither of these things are good when it comes down to something as important as living your life in a way to get to heaven. Then only thing that can do that with ANY surety at all is GOD'S WORD.

The person who experiences the greatest blessings is the one who has a love affair with God's Word. No other activity will bring us such strength and joy. When God's Word is on our mind and in our heart at all times in every situation, we experience true happiness.

Along with God's Word is the intimate relationship with God Himself that will grow from reading it and abiding by it. It kind of reminds me of a parent writing a "to do" list for their child, and the child doing everything in his power to abide by that list to please his or her parent. We should look at the Bible in the same way. It is our "How To" book if you will. If you must, for your own benefit, call it "My How to Live for God and Get to Heaven Book".

The pages of our Bible are full of delightful things. Intriguing stories, love stories, poetry, and history are woven throughout the book. Reading it is a delight. Our pleasure is multiplied when we realize that as we read it we learn
what to do, what to treasure, and how to please God. Discovering these added bonuses puts the light in our eyes that the psalmist mentions. It is the "good thing" that brightens our life and puts a smile on our face.

Dig Deeper:The Hebrew word for "right" is yshaariym. It means to make smooth. The Bible is like a guide who knows the most straight and safe path to take. We aren't left to find our own way.

bold;">Backrground Bulb: In the New Testament, Luke tells about one day in the life of Jesus when a woman in the crowd approached him. She said that it must be wonderful for his mother to have such a son. Jesus agreed that his mother was blessed. In fact, he agreed that all mothers are blessed. Then he said, "Blessed rather are those who heart the word of God and obey it"(Luke 11:28). Jesus knew that even motherhood does not compare with the joy of knowing the Word of God.

Weed & Water: Experts agree that it only takes a few weeks to develop a habit. Mark your calendar and make a commitment to read your Bible every day for the next twenty-one days. The habit will then be a part of your life. You can start by looking up each day's seed and reading the surrounding passage. As you read the Bible, pick out a verse that gives you joy or contains an instruction. Write the verse on a small card. Each time you see the card, thank God for his blessings or ask Him to help you obey the instruction.

Think about it: Name some verses in the Bible that give you a feeling of joy.
When will you begin your new habit or regular Bible reading?

Prayer Pot: Lord, help me find true happiness in your Word. I'll start today by. . .

Take-Away Idea: A Bible that is worn and falling apart from use usually belongs to someone who isn't.

Good Night to All and May God Bless!



Dawn said...

PJ,the Bible is the ultimate book! I love your take-away idea! My mom gave me my bible at least 10 years ago and it sat on my bookshelf for many many years. I just noticed a couple weeks ago how worn it is looking and it actually is comforting to me because I now read it!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...


It's been a busy week for me, I missed one blog posting and haven't made comments like I would have liked so I'll try to catch up today.

I needed this one especially this week. When I get too busy it seems like my time is God's Word is cut short. I say this to my shame. Of all the things I really need when I'm overstressed, the Word is the mosst important.

Thanks for the reminder to stay in His Word habitually, no matter what each day may hold.

May the Lord continue to use you. And thanks for your recent comments on my blog entries, too.