Good Evening to All!
The Answers to the Bible Trivia "Names Made in Heaven" are as follows:
1. Israel (Genesis 32:38)
2. Isaiah (Isaiah 8:3)
3. An angel (Matthew 1:20-21)
4. Hosea (Hosea 1:9)
5. An angel (Genesis 16:11)
6. Abraham (Genesis 17:5)
7. Zacharias (Luke 1:13)
8. Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20:3
9. Adam (Genesis 5:2)
10. Peter (J0hn 1:42)
11. Lo-ruhamah (H0sea 1:6)
12. Sarah (Genesis 17:15)
13. David (1 chronicles 22:9)
14. Hosea (Hosea 1:4)
15. The Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:30-31)
Today's Seed "The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the

Reference from the NKJV suggests that "There are few things so satisfying in life as Sleep following a hard day's work; but the greedy rarely enjoy decent rest.
Experts say we need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. For many of us, that's impossible. A full-time job, a full-time family, church activities, school events, sports, workouts, crafts, and hobbies take time--time that we rob from our sleep time. Then when we go to bed, we have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. We might get by if only we could sleep soundly.
Often what keeps us awake are worries over money or how to maintain the things we have. We're told in Ecclesiastes that when we're too concerned about money and possessions, especially acquiring more, we'll find ourselves embroiled in anxiety which leads to sleepless nights and exhausting days.

I contrast to the warning about riches in this seed, there is a blessing to hard work--peaceful sleep. The person who works at a physically demanding job sleeps well because he or she is exhausted. Hard work and exercise enable us to sleep well--even if we have only seven hours to spend in bed.

What possessions or desires are calling you away from Christ?
What changes do you need to make?

Prayer Pot: Lord, show me what has true meaning in my life. . . . (Insert your thoughts here)

Good Night to All and May God Bless!

1 comment:
Hi PJ ~ just dropped in to say hi and blessings to you for the day ~ hugs and namaste, cz:) (artmusedog from BlogFrog)
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