Monday, May 30, 2011


Good Evening to All!

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2 NKJV)

I truly believe that we can get so wrapped up in trying to keep all of the laws of religion, we lose sight of our main purpose of following them in the first place. John 14:15-17 says "If you love Me, keep My commandments. (16) And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever (the Holy Spirit)--(17) the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

If people would just read and study God's Word all the way through rather than "picking and choosing" what they want to preach, what will get people in the pews and read what sounds good to them and obey what sounds easy to do, They would see that it's not as hard as it sounds or looks. Especially if they have received the Holy Ghost (or Spirit). That is the whole purpose of Him coming back to live within us, to help us learn to live our lives according to the way God wants us to so that we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven when it is time.

If we will pray, and listen to what the Spirit is tell our spirit, and abide by it, we won't go wrong.

That is not to say we won't fall. Even in God's Word it says we all fall short of the glory of God, but we get back up, REPENT, (turn away from our old ways) and try again. It's when we deliberately keep doing the same thing over and over again that we will have to worry about it, because in that situation, if we keep ignoring the Holy Spirit's guidance, we will get to the point where we don't hear Him talking to us, and then we will be in trouble.

The more we rely on God's guidance, the more we pray to Him and study His Word, He sees that we are serious about wanting to get to know Him and live for Him.

The more we listen to what the Holy Ghost is saying to our spirit, the more we obey what He tells us to do the easier it becomes and the happier we become.

The closer we come to God the easier it is to live for Him because His desires become our desires.

I've heard people say "but you have to give up so much". This isn't so. I used to love to dance, now I may not go out to clubs to party and dance, but I dance for the Lord. I don't drink anymore, but that has helped me to feel better healthwise and helped me realize I didn't have to drink or get drunk to have fun. I don't smoke anymore, but that means I have more money to spend on other things. God has been so good to me to deliver me from all of these vices. I couldn't have done it on my own. (the smoking and drinking). I asked Him for help and He gave me the strength to do it. It was my choice to stop doing these things I didn't have anything or anyone standing over me saying "YOU HAVE TO STOP, THIS AND THAT".

All I'm trying to say is that when you love someone doing things for them is not a sacrifice, it is a joy. That is the way I look at living for God. It is a joy.

The answers to the Bible Challenge are as follows:

Old Testament
1. Abel (Genesis 4:2)
2. c) judge (Judges 3:31)
3. c) Nimrod (Genesis 10:9)
4. an Israelite (judge (Judges 4:4)
5. a) shepherd (1 Samuel 16:11)

New Testament
1. a) priest (Luke 1:8)
2. c) fisherman in the Sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18)
3. d) doctor (Colossians 4:14)
4. b) religious leader (John 3:1)
5. b) beggar (Mark 10:46)

Good Night to All and May God Bless!


1 comment:

Nekky said...

Reading your posts always reminds me not to forget my journey as a Christian believer. Thanks for posts. You are really touching lives. Just stopping by to say hello.