Good Evening to All!
This post was actually meant for last night, but my eyes got so tired I had to postpone it til today.
I was reminiscing and looking through my "old Bible", the Bible that I was using when I "woke up" and realized I needed to get serious about my relationship with God. I loved looking through my notes. Did you know that until the second century, people were only baptized "in the name of the Jesus" ? In the second century the Catholic Church changed the baptism "formula" to "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost". This is according to several encyclopedias and the dictionary.
I knew that Father, Son and Holy Ghost was only mentioned in Matthew 28:19 as far as baptism, but I didn't know the "rest of the story".
OK, the above has nothing to do with my scriptures below, I just thought that would be an interesting thought to "chew on". If you would like the full meal, I can give you some links to check out or I can go into further detail. I hope you don't mind, I am just one of those people who get a certain thought "stuck in my brain" and won't let it go until I have searched it out thoroughly. I love researching things like that.

May I say that I would really love to give a shout out to 3 special blogs which constantly give me inspiration. The first is Christian with a View by Steve Hawley, According to the Book, by Stan Butler, and Settled in Heaven by Rob Barkman. While the first two seem closer to my "doctrinal faith", I enjoy Rob's study of scripture and his Bible studies. I love the way he always comes to my blog and gives me comments of inspiration. I learn a lot from his studies because they give me the unction to do research and get into the Word and study more. Truly God's love seems to pour out from him. I give God thanks for you three gentlemen for you have blessed me with your blogs immeasurably.
Now, on with my Post
"This is what the LORD says--

Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty:
I am the first and I am the last;
apart from me there is no God.
Who then is like ? Let him proclaim it.
Let him declare and lay out before me
what has happened since I established by ancient people,
and what is yet to come--
yes, let him foretell what will come.
Do not tremble, do not be afraid.
Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago?
You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides Me?
No, there is no other Rock; I know not one."
(Isaiah 44:6-8 NIV)
This verse above tells me that He is the God I can depend on. He is the only assurance I need. When others let me down, I can go to Him and He will carry me.
He alone is the God who provides, heals, comforts and is there for me no matter what.
We are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:9-11 NIV)
This verse reminds me that I am but a small cog in God's ministry. Even though Paul started the church in Corinth, (planted) and Apollos came behind him and continued his ministry (watered) it was God who touched the hearts of people and drew them to Him. He made the increase.
It is the same with us today. It takes all of us to plant and water God's Word about His kingdom, but GOD will bring about the results and make the increase.
I will not be posting tomorrow or Sunday, but will be back on track on the 26th.

Good Night to All and May God Bless!

We all need the firm foundation!
Have a blessed Christmas!
Wishing you a merry Christmas. Thankyou for following my bloggs too. God bless,
Hi Pj, :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your whole family! :) Thank you for always sharing us spiritual uplifting post all the time.. God bless us all! :)
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