Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Bible Challenge - "LEADERS" Part 2

Good Evening to All!

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1. Who was the first king of Israel? (1 Samuel 10:17-24)

a) Eli
b) Samuel
c) Saul
d) David

2. Which king led the defeat of the Philistines and brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? (2 Samuel 6:1-15)

a) Saul
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Nebuchadnezzar

3. Which of David's sons temporarily seized the palace from his father in a coup?
(2 Samuel 15-18)

a) Amnon
b) Absalom
c) Adonijah
d) Solomon

4. How did it happen that Solomon rather than his older brothers succeeded David as king?
(1 Kings 1:29-30)

a) he was David's only legitimate son
b) he killed all his older brothers
c) Absalom, his only older brother who wanted to be king, died in a rebellion
d) David promised him the throne.

5. True of False: god proclaimed that Solomon would be the wisest person in all history.
(1 Kings 3:4-14)

6. Pleased with Solomon's request for wisdom, the Lord also gave him what two things he didn't request? (1 Kings 3:10-13)

a) a long life and many children
b) long life and many wives
c) wealth and honor
d) fame and glory

7. Over what kingdom was Jezebel queen?
(1 Kings 16:29-31)

a) Babylon
b) Philistia
c) Judah
d) Israel

8. True or False: Persian King Cyrus pillaged the Hebrews' temple. Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar restored it. (2 Kings 24:10-16, Ezra 1)

9. The fifty-five year reign of King Manasseh over the Israelites was most notable for its___________________.
(2 Chronicles 33)

a) rebuilding of Jerusalem
b) wicked return to Idol worship
c) warfare
d) peace

10. Who sent Nehemiah to finish rebuilding Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 2:1-8)

a) King Artaxerxes
b) Samuel
c) Solomon
d) the apostle Paul

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