Good Evening to All!
Tonight's Bible Challenge is going to be a bit different. Instead of dealing with the same subject, the questions will be spread over many, and therefore the scriptures will also be spread out.

1. In detailing the Passover ritual, did God prescribe leavened or unleavened bread?
(Exodus 12:15)
2. True of False: Old Testament law said interest rates could not be charged when lending to the poor. (Exodus 22:25)
3. For what purpose did Moses establish the tabernacle of the congregation (the meeting tent)? (Exodus 33:7)
a) as the place for him and Aaron to meet with the tribal elders
b. as the place for feasts and weddings to be held
c) as the place for adjudicating disputes
d) as the place for the Israelites to confer with God
4. True of False: Old Testament law prohibited tattooing. (Leviticus 19:28)
5. Whatever happened to Aaron's rod? (Hebrews

a) it was buried with him
b) it was buried with his brother Moses
c) it was placed in the Ark of the Covenant
d) the Lord took it from Aaron because of Israel's backsliding.
6. This ancient king, a "remnant of the giants", required an extra large bed.
(Deuteronomy 3:11)
a) Saul
b) Ahasuerus
c) Asa
d) Og
7. True of False: Samson was a gambling man who made a riddle to his guests and

(Judges 14;10-18)
8. What was Saul doing when the Lord identified him to Samuel as the man who would become Israel's first king? (1 Samuel 8:1-3)
a) fighting the Philistines
b) looking for his father's donkey's
c) reveling at a party
d) watering his family's livestock
9. David's best friend was ______________. (1 Samuel 18:1)
a) Samson
b) Jonathan
c) Gideon
d) Nimrod

10. What person in the Bible is reported to have weighed his hair? (2 Samuel 14:25-26)
a) Samson
b) Absalom
c) Herod I
d) Nero

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