Thursday, February 5, 2015


Good Evening To All!

I thought I would post a little bit of "Brain Stuff" tonight.

You can remember the theme of Galatians with the simple phrase , "Get A Life!"(GAL)  That is sort of what Paul was saying in this letter.  Some people were apparently telling the Galatians that they needed to follow the Law in order to be saved, but Paul insisted that the ONLY way to "get a life" was by trusting in Jesus, not by following old regulations.  If we "keep in step with the spirit" (Gal. 5:25 NIV), we'll get a life that's full of "love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, kindness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23, NIV)

The theme of Ephesians is remembered by the phrase "Everyone Praise Him". (EPH).  Paul makes it clear that Jews and Gentiles can join together in raising the Lord.  Whether we've lived good lives  or bad lives  in the past, all can praise Him because we're saved by God's grace, not by our own works. The whole church works together to sing God's praises and to live in ways that bring Him pleasure.

Next we come to the theme of Philippians with the simple phrase"Perfectly Happy In Life"  (PHIL).  Sure, happy is a weak word for the joy of following Jesus, but it works.  Though Paul was in prison, he wrote about nonstop joy, whatever life may dish out.  One key to this happiness is the humility of Jesus, who became a servant for our sakes.  If we adopt that attitude, we'll avoid petty disputes and learn to be content with what God gives. us.  

Colossians theme is remembered by the phrase, "Christ Our Life"  (COL).  When others start selling you the answer to the "mystery that has been kept hidden for ages," don't buy it.  In this letter, Paul tells us the secret:  "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (1:27 NIV)  Keep Christ at the center of your life and don't fall for those hollow philosophies.

To Remember the Ten Commandments, Try these acrostics on for size:


S abbath
H onor parents
A dultery (don't)
C ovet       (don't)
K ill           (don't)
L ie            (don't)
I dols         (don't make)
N ame       (of God is Holy)
G ods         (no other)
S tealing    (don't)

If shacklings is a bit negative for you, try this word:


O bserve a day of rest
B e faithful to your spouse
E njoy what you have (don't covet)
D o your parents proud
I dols aren't gods
E steem life
N ame of God is Holy 
T ake only your own stuff
L ying is wrong
Y ou need to worship God only.

Good Night and May God Bless!


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