Thursday, April 22, 2010

Love In Action

Good evening to All!

I had my first (in a very long time) ESL (English as a Second Language) class today. It was very exciting and rewarding for me. It was only supposed to be with one person, but when I got there, her brother decided to join us. While I was teaching she got several phone calls and when she told them what she was doing they asked if they could join the class next week! That will make 5 students! I am , what do they call it now days, "stoked" yeah, that's it! ELATED to say the least! I will have to get my act together and plan some more lessons and get to making more copies. I'm also still typing up the Drug and Alcohol Training Manual for a lady at church, going to Curves and tomorrow have to get caught up on laundry because my hubby's going on a fishing trip for 4 days! OK, now for the SERIOUS stuff.

Today's Seed: "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." 1 John 3:16

A pop song from some time ago by the band Foreigner begins, "I want to know what love is." Most love songs talk about how the singer feels, with love being the ultimate emotion. In today's seed, John tells us what love is, and the picture he paints is very different from what's on TV or radio.

In today's culture, love means romance. We focus on finding that one true love, and we hope flowers, cards, and candy will be showered on us. We imagine that man will whisper "I love you" in our ear every day. We believe such love will give meaning to our lives.

Love does give meaning to our lives, but not the kind of love that is depicted in romance novels. The Bible puts little store in the words "I love you." Actions are what counts. They show our true heart. Love is not about feelings--it's about action.

Look again at the way John phrased today's seed: Jesus Laid down his life for us. In other words, Jesus life was not taken from him by others. He chose to allow himself to be crucified. On purpose. for our sake.

How do we know what love is? Jesus died for us. It's that simple--and that profound. No matter how we feel, no matter what pain we endure, one thing we know; Jesus loves us--in both word and action.

Dig Deeper: The Greek word for "love,"agape, means benevolent love that is shown not by giving what the loved one wants but by doing what is best for the one loved. Only God can truly have this type of love, and we need his strength to enable us to love agape-style.

Background Bulb: The writer of 1 John is thought to be the apostle John, who also wrote the Gospel of John and Revelation. This "disciple whom Jesus loved" was the only apostle to live to a ripe old age; the others were martyred. Throughout his life John never stopped talking about love. According to one story, John often repeated, "Little children, love one another." People got tired of it and asked him why he said those words over and over. John replied, "Because it is the Lord's commandment, and if this be done it is enough."

Sprout & Scatter:In the second part of the seed, John urges us to love others like Jesus loves us. Laying down our lives does not necessarily mean sacrificial death like it did for Jesus. We lay down our lives every time we sacrifice time, money, or our own wishes for the well-being of someone else. Today tell someone you love him or her and show your love by doing something nice for him or her.

Think about it: How does reflecting on Jesus' life and death change your concept of love?

What do your actions say about whom or what you love?

Prayer Pot: Lord, thank you for showing your love to me by....(Insert your own prayer).

Take-Away Idea: "God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5

Good Night to ALL, And May God Bless!


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