Good Evening to All!
It's that time again! Time to put on your thinking caps and "dust off your Bibles" (I hope you don't need to). How well versed are you in Biblical Geography? Lets find out, shall we?

1. On what mountain range did Noah's ark come to rest? (Genesis 8:4)
a) Alp
b) Appennine
c) Ararat
d) Carpathia
2. To what mountain did Abraham go to sacrifice Isaac? (Genesis 22:2)
a) Horeb
b) Moriah
c) Hermon
d) Pisgah
3. On what mountain did God speak to Moses from a burning bush? (Exodus 3:1)
a) Olivet
b) Sinai
c) Hermon
d) Horeb
4. On what mountain did God give Moses the Ten Commandments on stone tablets?

(Exodus 19:20, 31:18)
5. Aaron died atop this mountain. (Numbers 20:22-29)
a) Olivet
b) Hor
c) Hermon
d) Sinai
6. It was from the top of this mountain that Goed showed Moses the promised land. (Deuteronomy 34:1-4)
a) Sinai
b) Olivet
c) Carmel
d) Pisgah
7. Mount Carmel was the scene of what great confrontation? (1 Kings 18:20-40)
a) the Israelites vs. the Philistines
b) the Israelites vs. the Assyrians
c) Absalom's army vs. David's army
d) Elijah vs. the false prophets
8. Mount Sion also was called Mount__________. (Deuteronomy 4:48)
a) Ararat
B) Sinai
c) Cardiff
d) Hermon
9. King David fled to this mountain during Absalom'[s uprising. (2 Samuel 15:30)
a) Carpathia

b) Olivet
c) Hermon
d) Sinai
10. Matthew records Jesus giving His disciples the Great Commission on what mountain? (Matthew 28:16-20)
a) Olivet
b) Horeb
c) Pisgah
d) not named
***The photos are : from top to bottom--Elijah vs. the false prophets of Baal, Mt. Ararat, and Mount Sinai.

1 comment:
Hi PJ. Thanks for giving me something to study tonight. I have some ideas about a couple but I'm printing it out and taking it to bed with me.
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