Friday, July 5, 2013


Good Afternoon to All!

I have been in the process of reading a book titled "The Secrets of Intercessory Prayer"  by Jack Hayford.  It was graciously sent to me by Chosen Books, a division of Bethany House Publishing a division of Bethany House Publishers as a complimentary copy for review.

I have several books of Mr. Hayford, and I find them all very informative.  They have helped me tremendously with my study of God's Word.  I really ended up thoroughly enjoying this book, but I must say however, at first I was disappointed.

My problem is when I get an idea into my head of what something is going to be about, yet it turns out to be a bit different, I get lost easy.  Of course that is not the author's fault it is my "quirk" you might say.  Luckily, I kept at it and got my mind back on track to what he was telling me, accepted his train of thought rather than my own, and really started ENJOYING the book.

While the title of the book was "The Secrets of Intercessory Prayer", I couldn't figure out what I was reading in the first three chapters had to do with the subject, as they mainly recapped the history of the fall of man.  Finally, in the third chapter my brain light bulb came on and everything started making sense. 

I started understanding everything he was trying to tell me.  For example, when we pray a normal prayer for ourselves, or even others, it is totally different than an intercessory prayer.  Intercessory prayer is a "fight" against powers of darkness and unseen forces.  As God's Word says in Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  We HAVE to have a special, FERVENT, forceful prayer for other's situations and special needs.

As I got further into his book, I realized that not only was Mr. Hayford explaining how to pray in this manner, but he was showing me how to be a better "child of God".  How to LIVE for God completely.  He showed me that to be able to help others by praying to my heavenly Father for them, that I MUST be "in line" in my own life with Him to do good for anyone else.  All of a sudden, this book took on a new light and started helping me to understand my own lack of confidence.

I guarantee that my "prayer line" section of my blog is definitely going to take on a new sense of urgency for my readers, even more than it has at this point.  This book has helped me so much in my prayer life .  I think we could all use this book to help  wake us up and guide us into a deeper realm of prayer with our loving Father. 

"The Secrets of Intercessory Prayer" is an exceptional addition to anyone's library.  It gives new meaning to the words "I'll pray for you".  It helps the reader understand that when we tell someone that, or even if we don't say anything and just do it, that we must treat these prayers as though we are going into battle.  We must put on our "armor" and get ready for a spiritual fight.  We must realize that we are "fighting an unseen force that we cannot prevail against without God's Word, or "going in KNOWING that He is by our side.

In 1 Samuel 17:45 it says, " Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied".

We must remember to do the same in our intercessory prayers for others.    The "dark force" want us to believe that we cannot win against him, that his will is stronger than God's.  We must come at him with all of our might, with God beside us and show him that our Mighty God's strength and will shall overcome him and his evil ways.

I highly recommend this book.  It will definitely change your way of thinking about prayer, AND give you a new outlook on the way to live for God and praying for others.

The opinions and words of this review are strictly my own.  I received no compensation for this review other than this complimentary copy of this book.

Have a wonderful day and May God Bless.



Nicky Abram said...

I say amen to that!

Happy walker said...

looks like a good book~ =)